What modeling software do you use? EDIT:

@Greg_Dimas Definitely give it a shot. You will encounter differences in the workflow and UI paradigms, so just try to keep an open mind.

When I first tried FreeCAD several years ago, I was pessimistic and had low expectations for FOSS CAD software. My first 3D printer had just arrived, and I had saved up an additional $6500 for a Solidworks license, having previously been shown how to use that software by a friend. It was a Saturday, however, so there were no Solidworks salespeople to talk to, and being quite eager to design my first printable part, I decided to give FreeCAD a spin. I have no regrets and to this date haven’t seen the need to get that Solidworks license.

With regards to the comment made by @Taylor_Landry1 , I’m not going to claim that FreeCAD does everything that you can do with Solidworks, just as Solidworks doesn’t have every feature found in FreeCAD. It really comes down to what you are using it for. There are some specialized use cases, like working with t-slotted aluminum framing systems, where, from what I have seen, the Solidworks ecosystem offers plugins that allow you to design your assemblies at a higher level. You might not be able to do that in FreeCAD just yet, but depending on what you’re doing that functionality may be irrelevant to you, and, by the time you need it, there’s a good chance that FreeCAD will have it.

A colleague and I are now doing more work with t-slotted framing systems, so we are thinking about getting Solidworks for those kinds of projects, but our intention is to support FOSS and hold on to our freedom wherever we can by sticking with FreeCAD for everything that it does well. I think free software is in our collective best interests in the long term and hope more people can come to see things that way, but I am also a pragmatist, and if software isn’t yet able to perform a particular function I’m not going to lie to you and claim that it does.

I can’t emphasize enough that these choices are not really about the money for me. If I determined that I needed Solidworks for a project, I would buy it tomorrow and treat it as any other business expense, but so far I haven’t run into that problem. For the time being, I’ve been giving some money via Patreon each month to one of FreeCAD’s core developers. If you look at how far FreeCAD has come through the efforts of volunteers alone, commercial CAD packages with their exorbitant licensing fees start to look a lot less impressive.