Originally shared by Whosa whatsis Anyone have a link to a table of dimensions

Originally shared by Whosa whatsis

Anyone have a link to a table of dimensions for different sized timing belt pulleys (especially for GT2)? I’m working on Wallace 2, and I need to build a database of these measurements so that I can procedurally generate the printed parts in OpenSCAD based on the dimensions of the vitamins selected.

Also, while I do have some resources for motor, bearing, and screw/nut sizes, if you know a site that has that data well laid-out, I’d be interested in that too.

Hmmm, I thought I commented on this, but my comment seems to have not posted… SDP/SI has plenty of info, including the GT2 stuff. http://www.sdp-si.com/D265/D265Cat.htm

Yeah, I just grabbed the pulley diameters from sdp-si for gt2 2mm. Eventually, I should just write a shell script to parse them all into the OpenSCAD database format I came up with. That’s why I was hoping to find the data organized in a nice table that’s easy to parse.

same source but other view : https://sdp-si.com/eStore/Direct.asp?GroupID=347
you can filter by type teeth.

and can compare with them : http://www.beltingonline.com/?zenid=tfjg092virojj5sb5b0aujs4g1