Can anyone give me a few tips about printing on my Makergear Prusa Mendel?

Can anyone give me a few tips about printing on my Makergear Prusa Mendel? I get pretty decent prints, but my first layer is VERY thin on all of my prints.

I have layer hight set at .2mm, and first layer at .2mm also, but it always prints much better on layer 2.

Running Slic3r w/ Pronterface for Mac.

Wait, possibly I misunderstood that setting, and it is set to .2% of the first layer height.

Could that be right?

Z_HOME_POS is off …?

@Rich_Platts .2 Or 20% of layer height for first layer definitely sounds way wrong. Screenshot, maybe?

Silc3r assumes mm if you’re not explicitly typing % in that field. So 0.2 will yield a 0.2mm first layer while 0.2% will get you a 0.04mm one.

Are you homing Z with everything hot? Even with glass on the bed my MG Prusa moves significantly when it heats up. Nophead also recommends waiting a minute after reaching temps to make sure everything has stabilized thermally.

Thanks for the feedback. I will look into the Homing while hot issue. That sound like it could be part of it.