Bcnc 0.9.14-der linux PY 3.92/ configuation cnc machine

hi, dougl

her is the link to video i uploaded my youtube channel.

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can the setting for X,Y be the same Z or need be different?

im asking because the setting from what you talk about. i notice Z setting are different from X,Y below.

For What Itā€™s Worth( FWIW ) I found a guy who has a 3040t-CNC who put GRBL on an Arduino Uno and used TB6600 drivers and NEMA 34 steppers. He had these settings for GRBL: Notice he also is using 400 steps/mm

$0 10
$1 25
$2 0
$3 0
$4 0
$5 0
$6 0
$10 1
$11 0.010
$12 0.002
$13 0
$20 0
$21 0
$22 0
$23 0
$24 25.000
$25 500.000
$26 250
$27 1.00
$30 1000
$31 0
$32 0
$100 400.000
$101 400.000
$102 400.000
$110 2500.000
$111 2500.000
$112 500.000 <ā€”
$120 30.000
$121 20.000
$122 10.000 <ā€”

With $110,$111 and $112 you set the maximum speed of x/y/z (called feed).
It does make sense to have the z-axis slower because you will not move as far in z.

The max. speed setting is only used for fast moves while jogging (G0). For machinig operations (drilling, cuttingā€¦) you will use G1 to G3 commands with param F, which is the feed in mm/s.

For example:
A cut of a streight 100mm line in X+ direction with 2000mm/min feed is ā€œG1 X100 F2000ā€.

But be aware that there are two modes: absolute and relative!

  • In relative mode, all moves relate to the actual position, so G0X100 will move 100mm to the right.
  • In absolute mode all measures are related to the origin (X0Y0Z0). So if the actual position is 50/0/0 and you send G0X100, the head will move 50mm to the right (to absolute position 100/0/0).

With $120, $121 and $122 you set the acceleration of x/y/z, so how quick it is accelerating to the set feed. The maximum possible acceleration depends on you machine (motor torque, axis restistanceā€¦). Your acceleration settings seem to be ok, as I saw/hear in your video.

There are also the settings $130,$131 and $132 for setting the maximum travel of your axes. If your x axis can move 400mm from left to right, then set $130=400.

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Hi, cprezzi

Thank you., for clarifying that. i couldnā€™t get answer from other source support.

The GRBL Wiki (Home Ā· gnea/grbl Wiki Ā· GitHub) is a good source to get infos about grbl and configuration.


Thank you for your support guys. dougl & cprezzi., i appreciated.

So here is outcome of my custom build. Look over the video and let no if everything look good.

the final setting, after trying parameters settingā€¦

$100 400
$101 400
$102 400
$110 800
$111 800
$112 400
$120 30
$121 30
$122 30

Iā€™m having problem with probing, it dosenā€™t work properly.

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Hi, dougl & cprezzi., i appreciated your support., THANKS

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looks good and even though thatā€™s quite a small task for such a big machine, it does show that you have things square, level and have the controller and CAM setup nicely. Well done.

A post was split to a new topic: How to install bCNC on macos