Whats your source for air assist? Add suggestions or your setup bellow, pump capacity,

Whats your source for air assist? Add suggestions or your setup bellow, pump capacity, pressure, etc

FB group pol for reference https://goo.gl/n5xf2S

Other -fullsize 2hp-50liter air tank had moisture problems on focal lens-fixed by adding 1meter 25mm wide pvc pipe filled with silca gel beadsjust before air assist-adjustable pressure regulator at laser cutter-1-2 psi etching and for cutting 3mm mdf 10psi or more if wanting perfectly clean botton of cut mdf peace

Dual air pumps - unknown flow/pressure. Pathetically weak. Will be upgrading to a higher powered pump when I get around to it.

I’m Lucky enough to have a shop air system. Back in my 1st All-Tek days, we ran a lot of air equipment in our panel shop and did a bit of painting on panel boxes and machinery frames as well, so I invested in a good air compressor and distribution system. It’s still going after 35 years, 3 pumps and a couple pressure switch/starters (original motor though!) I’m amazed the tank hasn’t rusted through yet - it will now that I brought it up…
It’s unlimited air for this application, but I quickly found less is more for air pressure on assist heads. It’s filtered/regulated down to 5psi at the Laser and then the flow is reduced down by a flow control valve.
The 7 1/2hp 80 gallon compressor is in another building so I don’t hear it at all. I timed it once and it cycles about every 23 minutes when I’m Lasering (took some doing as I don’t do many engravings that big).

I’m looking into buying a few pumps to test.
I’m designing a complete system for people who want an easy to install kit. Suggestions on the best quality pumps or your experience is welcome. (also on junk so I don’t waste my time and money on them)

I’ve designed a nice plug and play air assist kit but still need a quality pump to include as an option.

So if you have a pump you love - (or hate) I’d appreciate your thoughts on it. Please tell me what head you’re using and how loud it is.

We could use a “review” section on pumps anyhow, I hear occasional comments on them, but there doesn’t seem to be a “go to” favorite as there is with many K40 accessories.


I’m using an older select comfort air mattress pump for my air assist. Before that it was a 1960’s Craftsman diaphragm air pump. New pump is less air but a heck of alot quieter!

Will be switching from an aquarium pump to the shop air compressor after running some piping

Try and run the first 5 meters on a slight angle slopping up and install a drain tap at bottom of rise,or just unplug hose every couple of days with pressure in line at the time and see how much water comes out of line…

I just use a simple Lakewood 8 inch fan. I tried using low psi from my 60 gal compressor but I needed a more broad coverage rather than a focused point if air.
Lol works perfectly for my needs.

Tried compressor (with 24L tank), but run out of air very quick, even with using only low (0.5-1 bar) pressure on the output.
I’ve bought an airpump (Hailea ACO-328), and it is perfect.
tip: use high diameter tubing till you can, and smaller only at the end, where needed, so it will have smaller resistance (and higher airflow/pressure at the end).

@Akos_Balog I can confirm that! Now has twice flow!

Hello could u help me with that silicon gel thing? I have a problem with moisture on lens also

At this time, @Phillip_Conroy has not logged into MakerForums; this is content rescued from the demise of Google+; thus the gplus label on the post.

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