USB issues continue after 20 hours of troubleshooting over 3 days

LOL, I can assure you it was no myth and maybe they finally made an OS where some don’t see these problems but for someone who worked on and used VERY reliable OS’s through the 90s and early 2000s Windows was NOT that operating system. I mean even a hacked together OS like Linux was far more reliable in the early 2000s than anything with a Windows label on it. But we pick our poison for many reasons and live with the side-effects for our own reasons. I just don’t like magic and the unknown. No UFOs in my OS please. :wink:

No gonna bait me into this religious debate…

I am very happy with the current state of Windows …

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Still undecided if it was the board or the 5v power supply. Since the 5v power supply is cheap, I say if anyone encounters this problem in the future, install the 5v power supply and if it doesn’t work, replace the control board. However, even after replacing the board, I was only able to use Meerk40t. Then all of a sudden after I was getting frustrated with Meerk40t (mostly because of all the different paths it uses and the inabilty to group images), I tried to install K40 Whisperer again and the drivers were able to be installed. This was after countless attempts after Meerk40t started working. Now I need to order a ammeter before I blow this power supply. I have all the mirrors aligned using the John Cabrer way, which people seem to think is the absolute best and the laser won’t etch at even 40% power. I’m scared to go higher without an ammeter though. Last thing I want is to fry a second power supply and possibly a motherboard.

Also, I did a ramp test last night. Planned to do an 8 inch test and it only browned the wood about 2.5".