Type of Slicer used

I am using Repetier-Host to control my printer. I have started using PrusaSlicer with variable layer height and have been amazed at the quality and speed of the prints. Prints are now a half to a third of the time to print.

Just curious what others are doing or experiences with PrusaSlicer.

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PrusaSlicer is my go-to. I almost never use anything else. Support generation still sucks; I mostly get around that by careful design to avoid the need for support, and I don’t do organic forms that need lots of support.


This was just going to be my next question. I’m in settings overload :rofl:

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Find a calibration cube and use default settings then start changing one setting at a time and see how it affects the print.

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Yeah, prusa-slicer, and slic3r from whence it came, expose settings for covering a variety of approaches. Most of the time most of us don’t modify a lot of settings. :slight_smile:

The good news is that just getting started doesn’t usually require changing lots of settings. Start with the simple mode, and ask questions here about what individual settings mean.

I’d also suggest starting a separate thread for calibrating/tuning your specific printer, and sharing pictures and measurements. Some of the things you tweak there will be printer-based and some will be slicer-based. (Be aware that the common 20mm XYZ “calibration cube” might be hard to use for tuning; it’s small enough that sometimes different printing artifacts aren’t clearly distinguished. But I think it’s a fine place to start.)


Oh, this looks interesting!

I definitely want to try that out. Variable extrusion width looks like an awesome idea.


Yea a simple mode! :tada: I’m already planning on starting a seperate thread on my printer adventure and have been taking pictures. :slight_smile:


Nice resource, will come in handy as I build my knowledge of tuning my 3D printer.