Smoothie - Temperature Runaway - Incorrect error message Help really appreciated

Smoothie problem

Any help is much appreciated.
Previously the printer has worked perfectly for about 2 years.
Suddenly for no known good reason I get the following message.
“ERROR Temperature runaway on T (delta 109.214233) Halt asserted, TURN POWER OFF IMMEDIATELY - reset or M299 required.”

The host program is Simplify 3D.

The heaters warm up as normal with the PID’s working and the hot end overshoots by 2 degrees C then settles to set temperature. This is a stable condition as it can remain indefinitely. No evidence of temperature overshooting as stabilised at 190 deg C .

I choose a stl file known to print without any issues. I wait until the hot end is stable at 190 deg C when I print. It prints for a few lines then halts with the following message.

“ERROR Temperature runaway on T(delta 109.214233) Halt asserted, TURN POWER OFF IMMEDIATELY - reset or M299 required.”

There is no evidence of thermal runaway.

What I have done with no result.

A) Updated smoothie firmware to latest date 3/3/19
B) Updated Simplify 3d program to latest version 4.1.2
C) Configured and used the spare two thermistor control pins and the two thermistor inputs in all combinations. All three A2D’s give same result. The Heated bed is just fine.
D) Unconfigured the second hot end in the Config.txt file.
E) Scrutinised the Config file but can find no issues.

Many thanks Advall

This sounds more like a connection problem of the heater or termistor than a firmware or board issue. You should check the cabling (while moving the head/cables).

Thanks for your suggestion. I forgot to mention I changed both the heater and thermistor but problem persists. The cabling checks out fine for both the original and new heater and thermistor.

Sounds like you have runaway detection in your config, pehaps you need to modify those values?

Could you post your config on pastebin and link here?

Feel free to paste your configuration here. Just put it in between ``` lines like so:

your configuration file goes here
# Smoothieboard configuration file, see
# NOTE Lines must not exceed 132 characters, and '#' characters mean what follows is ignored
## Robot module configurations : general handling of movement G-codes and slicing into moves

# Basic motion configuration
default_feed_rate                           4000           # Default speed (mm/minute) for G1/G2/G3 moves
default_seek_rate                           4000           # Default speed (mm/minute) for G0 moves
mm_per_arc_segment                           0.0              # Fixed length for line segments that divide arcs, 0 to disable
#mm_per_line_segment                         5                # Cut lines into segments this size
mm_max_arc_error                             0.01             # The maximum error for line segments that divide arcs 0 to disable
                                                              # note it is invalid for both the above be 0
                                                              # if both are used, will use largest segment length based on radius

# Arm solution configuration : Cartesian robot. Translates mm positions into stepper positions
# See
alpha_steps_per_mm                           80.4               # Steps per mm for alpha ( X ) stepper
beta_steps_per_mm                            80.4               # Steps per mm for beta ( Y ) stepper
gamma_steps_per_mm                          3200                # Steps per mm for gamma ( Z ) stepper

# Planner module configuration : Look-ahead and acceleration configuration
# See 
acceleration                               1500     # Acceleration in mm/second/second.
#z_acceleration                              500              # Acceleration for Z only moves in mm/s^2, 0 uses acceleration which is the default. DO NOT SET ON A DELTA
junction_deviation                           0.05           # See
#z_junction_deviation                        0.0              # For Z only moves, -1 uses junction_deviation, zero disables junction_deviation on z moves DO NOT SET ON A DELTA

planner_queue_size              32     #Defines how many blocks ( line segments ) are stored in RAM for look-ahead acceleration calculation. Do not change this unless you know exactly what you are doing.

# Cartesian axis speed limits.
x_axis_max_speed                             30000            # Maximum speed in mm/min
y_axis_max_speed                             30000            # Maximum speed in mm/min
z_axis_max_speed                             300              # Maximum speed in mm/min

# Stepper module configuration 
# Pins are defined as  ports, and pin numbers, appending "!" to the number will invert a pin
# See and
alpha_step_pin                               2.0              # Pin for alpha stepper step signal
alpha_dir_pin                                0.5!              # Pin for alpha stepper direction, add '!' to reverse direction
alpha_en_pin                                 0.4              # Pin for alpha enable pin
alpha_current                                1.2              # X stepper motor current
alpha_max_rate                               30000.0          # Maximum rate in mm/min

beta_step_pin                                2.1              # Pin for beta stepper step signal
beta_dir_pin                                 0.11!             # Pin for beta stepper direction, add '!' to reverse direction
beta_en_pin                                  0.10             # Pin for beta enable
beta_current                                 1.2              # Y stepper motor current
beta_max_rate                                30000.0          # Maxmimum rate in mm/min

gamma_step_pin                               2.2              # Pin for gamma stepper step signal
gamma_dir_pin                                4.29             # Pin for gamma stepper direction, add '!' to reverse direction
gamma_en_pin                                 0.19             # Pin for gamma enable
gamma_current                                1.2              # Z stepper motor current
gamma_max_rate                               300.0            # Maximum rate in mm/min

## Extruder module configuration
# See
extruder.hotend.enable                          true          # Whether to activate the extruder module at all. All configuration is ignored if false
extruder.hotend.steps_per_mm                     110       # Steps per mm for extruder stepper
extruder.hotend.default_feed_rate               600           # De5fault rate ( mm/minute ) for moves where only the extruder moves
extruder.hotend.acceleration                    250         # Acceleration for the stepper motor mm/sec²
extruder.hotend.max_speed                       50            # Maximum speed in mm/s

extruder.hotend.step_pin                        2.3           # Pin for extruder step signal
extruder.hotend.dir_pin                         0.22!          # Pin for extruder dir signal ( add '!' to reverse direction )
extruder.hotend.en_pin                          0.21          # Pin for extruder enable signal

# Extruder offset
#extruder.hotend.x_offset                        0            # X offset from origin in mm
#extruder.hotend.y_offset                        0            # Y offset from origin in mm
#extruder.hotend.z_offset                        0            # Z offset from origin in mm

# Firmware retract settings when using G10/G11, these are the defaults if not defined, must be defined for each extruder if not using the defaults
#extruder.hotend.retract_length                  3            # Retract length in mm
#extruder.hotend.retract_feedrate                45           # Retract feedrate in mm/sec
#extruder.hotend.retract_recover_length          0            # Additional length for recover
#extruder.hotend.retract_recover_feedrate        8            # Recover feedrate in mm/sec (should be less than retract feedrate)
#extruder.hotend.retract_zlift_length            0            # Z-lift on retract in mm, 0 disables
#extruder.hotend.retract_zlift_feedrate          6000         # Z-lift feedrate in mm/min (Note mm/min NOT mm/sec)

delta_current                                    1.5          # First extruder stepper motor current

# Second extruder module configuration
#extruder.hotend2.enable                         true         # Whether to activate the extruder module at all. All configuration is ignored if false
#extruder.hotend2.steps_per_mm                   140          # Steps per mm for extruder stepper
#extruder.hotend2.default_feed_rate              600          # Default rate ( mm/minute ) for moves where only the extruder moves
#extruder.hotend2.acceleration                   500          # Acceleration for the stepper motor, as of 0.6, arbitrary ratio
#extruder.hotend2.max_speed                      50           # mm/s

#extruder.hotend2.step_pin                       2.8          # Pin for extruder step signal
#extruder.hotend2.dir_pin                        2.13         # Pin for extruder dir signal ( add '!' to reverse direction )
#extruder.hotend2.en_pin                         4.29         # Pin for extruder enable signal

#extruder.hotend2.x_offset                       0            # x offset from origin in mm
#extruder.hotend2.y_offset                       25.0         # y offset from origin in mm
#extruder.hotend2.z_offset                       0            # z offset from origin in mm

#epsilon_current                                 1.5          # Second extruder stepper motor current

## Laser module configuration
# See
laser_module_enable                           false           # Whether to activate the laser module at all
laser_module_pwm_pin                          2.5             # This pin will be PWMed to control the laser. 
                                                              # Only pins 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 1.18, 1.20, 1.21, 1.23, 1.24, 1.26, 3.25 and 3.26
                                                              # can be used since laser requires hardware PWM, see
#laser_module_ttl_pin 	                      1.30            # This pin turns on when the laser turns on, and off when the laser turns off.
#laser_module_maximum_power                   1.0             # This is the maximum duty cycle that will be applied to the laser
#laser_module_minimum_power                   0.0             # This is a value just below the minimum duty cycle that keeps the laser
                                                              # active without actually burning.
#laser_module_default_power                   0.8             # This is the default laser power that will be used for cuts if a power has not been specified.  The value is a scale between
                                                              # the maximum and minimum power levels specified above
#laser_module_pwm_period                      20              # This sets the pwm frequency as the period in microseconds

## Temperature control configuration
# See

# First hotend configuration
temperature_control.hotend.enable            true             # Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all.
temperature_control.hotend.thermistor_pin    0.25           # Pin for the thermistor to read
temperature_control.hotend.heater_pin        2.5              # Pin that controls the heater, set to nc if a readonly thermistor is being defined
temperature_control.hotend.thermistor        EPCOS100K        # See
#temperature_control.hotend.beta             4066             # Or set the beta value
temperature_control.hotend.set_m_code        104              # M-code to set the temperature for this module
temperature_control.hotend.set_and_wait_m_code 109            # M-code to set-and-wait for this module
temperature_control.hotend.designator        T               # Designator letter for this module
temperature_control.hotend.max_temp         250              # Set maximum temperature - Will prevent heating above 300 by default
#temperature_control.hotend.min_temp         0                # Set minimum temperature - Will prevent heating below if set

# Safety control is enabled by default and can be overidden here, the values show the defaults
# See
#temperature_control.hotend.runaway_heating_timeout      900  # How long it can take to heat up, max is 2040 seconds.
#temperature_control.hotend.runaway_cooling_timeout        0  # How long it can take to cool down if temp is set lower, max is 2040 seconds
#temperature_control.hotend.runaway_range                20   # How far from the set temperature it can wander, max setting is 63°C

# PID configuration 
# See
temperature_control.hotend.p_factor         20.1             # P ( proportional ) factor
temperature_control.hotend.i_factor         0.614            # I ( integral ) factor
temperature_control.hotend.d_factor         164             # D ( derivative ) factor

temperature_control.hotend.max_pwm           64       # Max pwm, 64 is a good value if driving a 12v resistor with 24v.

# Second hotend configuration
#temperature_control.hotend2.enable             false           # Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all.
#temperature_control.hotend2.thermistor_pin    0.26        # Pin for the thermistor to read
#temperature_control.hotend2.heater_pin        1.23           # Pin that controls the heater
#temperature_control.hotend2.thermistor        EPCOS100K      # See
##temperature_control.hotend2.beta             4066           # or set the beta value
#temperature_control.hotend2.set_m_code        104            # M-code to set the temperature for this module
#temperature_control.hotend2.set_and_wait_m_code 109          # M-code to set-and-wait for this module
#temperature_control.hotend2.designator        T            # Designator letter for this module

#temperature_control.hotend2.p_factor          13.7           # P ( proportional ) factor
#temperature_control.hotend2.i_factor          0.097          # I ( integral ) factor
#temperature_control.hotend2.d_factor          24             # D ( derivative ) factor

#temperature_control.hotend2.max_pwm          64              # Max pwm, 64 is a good value if driving a 12v resistor with 24v.

temperature_control.bed.enable               true             # Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all.
temperature_control.bed.thermistor_pin       0.23             # Pin for the thermistor to read
temperature_control.bed.heater_pin           1.23              # Pin that controls the heater
temperature_control.bed.thermistor           Honeywell100K    # See
#temperature_control.bed.beta                3974             # Or set the beta value
temperature_control.bed.set_m_code           140              # M-code to set the temperature for this module
temperature_control.bed.set_and_wait_m_code  190              # M-code to set-and-wait for this module
temperature_control.bed.designator           B                # Designator letter for this module
temperature_control.bed.max_pwm               75              # Max pwm, 64 is a good value if driving a 12v resistor with 24v.      

Set to true to use bang bang control rather than PID true
temperature_control.bed.hysteresis          1.0              # Set to the temperature in degrees C to use as hysteresis

## Switch modules
# See

# Switch module for fan control                            true             # Enable this module                  M106             # Command that will turn this switch on                 M107             # Command that will turn this switch off                        1.22              # Pin this module controls                       digital          # PWM output settable with S parameter in the input_on_comand                          255              # Set max pwm for the pin default is 255

#switch.misc.enable                          true             # Enable this module
#switch.misc.input_on_command                M42              # Command that will turn this switch on
#switch.misc.input_off_command               M43              # Command that will turn this switch off
#switch.misc.output_pin                      2.4              # Pin this module controls
#switch.misc.output_type                     digital          # Digital means this is just an on or off pin

## Temperatureswitch
# See
# Automatically toggle a switch at a specified temperature. Different ones of these may be defined to monitor different temperatures and switch different swithxes
# Useful to turn on a fan or water pump to cool the hotend
#temperatureswitch.hotend.enable            true            #
#temperatureswitch.hotend.designator          T               # first character of the temperature control designator to use as the temperature sensor to monitor
#temperatureswitch.hotend.switch              misc            # select which switch to use, matches the name of the defined switch
#temperatureswitch.hotend.threshold_temp      60.0            # temperature to turn on (if rising) or off the switch
#temperatureswitch.hotend.heatup_poll         15              # poll heatup at 15 sec intervals
#temperatureswitch.hotend.cooldown_poll       60              # poll cooldown at 60 sec intervals

## Endstops
# See
endstops_enable                              true             # The endstop module is enabled by default and can be disabled here
#corexy_homing                               false            # Set to true if homing on a hbot or corexy
alpha_min_endstop                            1.29            # Pin to read min endstop, add a ! to invert if endstop is NO connected to ground
#alpha_max_endstop                           1.25^            # Pin to read max endstop, uncomment this and comment the above if using max endstops
alpha_homing_direction                       home_to_min      # Or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max and uncomment the alpha_max_endstop
alpha_min                                    0                # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_min is set
alpha_max                                    200              # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_max is set
beta_min_endstop                             1.27            # Pin to read min endstop, add a ! to invert if endstop is NO connected to ground
#beta_max_endstop                            1.27^            # Pin to read max endstop, uncomment this and comment the above if using max endstops
beta_homing_direction                        home_to_min      # Or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max and uncomment the alpha_max_endstop
beta_min                                     0                # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_min is set
beta_max                                     200              # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_max is set
gamma_min_endstop                            1.24            # Pin to read min endstop, add a ! to invert if endstop is NO connected to ground
#gamma_max_endstop                           1.29^            # Pin to read max endstop, uncomment this and comment the above if using max endstops
gamma_homing_direction                       home_to_min      # Or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max and uncomment the alpha_max_endstop
gamma_min                                    0                # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_min is set
gamma_max                                    200              # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_max is set

alpha_max_travel                             500              # Max travel in mm for alpha/X axis when homing
beta_max_travel                              500              # Max travel in mm for beta/Y axis when homing
gamma_max_travel                             500              # Max travel in mm for gamma/Z axis when homing

# Optional enable limit switches, actions will stop if any enabled limit switch is triggered
#alpha_limit_enable                          false            # Set to true to enable X min and max limit switches
#beta_limit_enable                           false            # Set to true to enable Y min and max limit switches
#gamma_limit_enable                          false            # Set to true to enable Z min and max limit switches

# Endstops home at their fast feedrate first, then once the endstop is found they home again at their slow feedrate for accuracy
alpha_fast_homing_rate_mm_s                  50               # Alpha/X fast homing feedrate in mm/second
alpha_slow_homing_rate_mm_s                  25               # Alpha/X slow homing feedrate in mm/second
beta_fast_homing_rate_mm_s                   50               # Beta/Y  fast homing feedrate in mm/second
beta_slow_homing_rate_mm_s                   25               # Beta/Y  slow homing feedrate in mm/second
gamma_fast_homing_rate_mm_s                  4                # Gamma/Z fast homing feedrate in mm/second
gamma_slow_homing_rate_mm_s                  2                # Gamma/Z slow homing feedrate in mm/second

alpha_homing_retract_mm                      5                # Distance to retract from the endstop after it is hit for alpha/X
beta_homing_retract_mm                       5                # Distance to retract from the endstop after it is hit for beta/Y
gamma_homing_retract_mm                      1                # Distance to retract from the endstop after it is hit for gamma/Z

# Optional enable limit switches, actions will stop if any enabled limit switch is triggered (all are set for delta)
#alpha_limit_enable                          false            # Set to true to enable X min and max limit switches
#beta_limit_enable                           false            # Set to true to enable Y min and max limit switches
#gamma_limit_enable                          false            # Set to true to enable Z min and max limit switches

# Optional order in which axis will home, default is they all home at the same time,
# If this is set it will force each axis to home one at a time in the specified order
homing_order                                 XYZ              # X axis followed by Y then Z last
#move_to_origin_after_home                    false            # Move XY to 0,0 after homing
#endstop_debounce_count                       100              # Uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 100
#endstop_debounce_ms                          1                # Uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 1 millisecond debounce
#home_z_first                                 true             # Uncomment and set to true to home the Z first, otherwise Z homes after XY

# End of endstop config
# Delete the above endstop section and uncomment next line and copy and edit Snippets/abc-endstop.config file to enable endstops for ABC axis
#include abc-endstop.config

## Z-probe
# See
zprobe.enable                                false           # Set to true to enable a zprobe
zprobe.probe_pin                             1.28!^          # Pin probe is attached to, if NC remove the !
zprobe.slow_feedrate                         5               # Mm/sec probe feed rate
#zprobe.debounce_ms                          1               # Set if noisy
zprobe.fast_feedrate                         100             # Move feedrate mm/sec
zprobe.probe_height                          5               # How much above bed to start probe
#gamma_min_endstop                           nc              # Normally 1.28. Change to nc to prevent conflict,

# Levelling strategy
# Example for 3-point levelling strategy, see wiki documentation for other strategies
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.enable         true        # a leveling strategy that probes three points to define a plane and keeps the Z parallel to that plane
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point1         100.0,0.0   # the first probe point (x,y) optional may be defined with M557
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point2         200.0,200.0 # the second probe point (x,y)
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point3         0.0,200.0   # the third probe point (x,y)
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.home_first     true        # home the XY axis before probing
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.tolerance      0.03        # the probe tolerance in mm, anything less that this will be ignored, default is 0.03mm
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.probe_offsets  0,0,0       # the probe offsets from nozzle, must be x,y,z, default is no offset
#leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.save_plane     false       # set to true to allow the bed plane to be saved with M500 default is false

## Panel
# See
# Please find your panel on the wiki and copy/paste the right configuration here
panel.enable                                 true            # Set to true to enable the panel code

# Example for reprap discount GLCD
# on glcd EXP1 is to left and EXP2 is to right, pin 1 is bottom left, pin 2 is top left etc.
# +5v is EXP1 pin 10, Gnd is EXP1 pin 9

panel.lcd                                   reprap_discount_glcd     #
panel.spi_channel                           0                 # SPI channel to use  ; GLCD EXP1 Pins 3,5 (MOSI, SCLK)
panel.spi_cs_pin                            0.16              # SPI chip select     ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 4
panel.encoder_a_pin                         3.25!^            # Encoder pin         ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 3
panel.encoder_b_pin                         3.26!^            # Encoder pin         ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 5
panel.click_button_pin                      1.30!^            # Click button        ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 2
panel.buzz_pin                              1.31              # Pin for buzzer      ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 1
panel.back_button_pin                       2.11!^            # Back button         ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 8

panel.menu_offset                            0                 # Some panels will need 1 here

panel.alpha_jog_feedrate                     6000              # X jogging feedrate in mm/min
panel.beta_jog_feedrate                      6000              # Y jogging feedrate in mm/min
panel.gamma_jog_feedrate                     200               # Z jogging feedrate in mm/min

panel.hotend_temperature                     185               # Temp to set hotend when preheat is selected
panel.bed_temperature                        60                # Temp to set bed when preheat is selected

## Custom menus : Example of a custom menu entry, which will show up in the Custom entry.
# NOTE _ gets converted to space in the menu and commands, | is used to separate multiple commands
custom_menu.power_on.enable                true              #                  Power_on          #
custom_menu.power_on.command               M80               #

custom_menu.power_off.enable               true              #                 Power_off         #
custom_menu.power_off.command              M81               #

## Network settings
# See
network.enable                               false            # Enable the ethernet network services
network.webserver.enable                     true             # Enable the webserver
network.telnet.enable                        true             # Enable the telnet server
network.ip_address                           auto             # Use dhcp to get ip address
# Uncomment the 3 below to manually setup ip address
#network.ip_address                    # The IP address
#network.ip_mask                       # The ip mask
#network.ip_gateway                      # The gateway address
#network.mac_override                         xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx  # Override the mac address, only do this if you have a conflict

## System configuration
# Serial communications configuration ( baud rate defaults to 9600 if undefined )
# For communication over the UART port, *not* the USB/Serial port
uart0.baud_rate                              115200           # Baud rate for the default hardware ( UART ) serial port

second_usb_serial_enable                     false            # This enables a second USB serial port
#leds_disable                                true             # Disable using leds after config loaded
#play_led_disable                            true             # Disable the play led

# Kill button maybe assigned to a different pin, set to the onboard pin by default
# See
kill_button_enable                           true             # Set to true to enable a kill button
kill_button_pin                              2.12             # Kill button pin. default is same as pause button 2.12 (2.11 is another good choice)

#msd_disable                                 false            # Disable the MSD (USB SDCARD), see
#dfu_enable                                  false            # For linux developers, set to true to enable DFU

# Only needed on a smoothieboard
# See
currentcontrol_module_enable                 false             # Control stepper motor current via the configuration file

I am brand new to this forum

Hope my config file reads ok ans i welcome your comments

Regards Advall

Seems that did not work. Can i send dropbox link instead?
Regards Advall

Here is a dropbox link to my config file

Just to confirm i just re-formated the card but the issue is still there

Hope this link works?

You have to use the correct characters. They are “backtick” characters. These are typically at the upper left corner of your keyboard. ```

I edited your post to fix that for you to make it easier for everyone else. No other changes.

It will take only a couple minutes to go through the quick tutorial that @discobot has invited you to.

Further information.

I did a M303 Auto Tune and whilst after cooling down well below the set temperature I get the same Temperature Runaway Warning message but with a negative number! Go figure!

Incidentally the auto tune values created a 10 deg C overshoot compared to the originál PIDs of 2 deg overshoot.

Problem SOLVED. body { margin:0.7em; } body.OECFntDef, body.OECFntDef div { font-family:Calibri,“Segoe UI”,Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:18pt; }

I had been looking for a positive thermal runaway! But - as soon as one starts printing the hot end heater cuts out when the temperature drops to 13 deg below set point then get error message. !!!

I desperation I reset Simplfy 3D to factory settings and BINGO - all is AOK. I