Please help me choose a new, cheap 3d printer

It’s a cool job! I’m choosing my first 3D. But Tronxy is too pricey for me. I’ve read the article and try to choose smth cheaper. Which one can you recommend?

I moved this to its own post so as not to hijack the prior thread.

The TronXY in the post you originally commented on is already a low-budget printer for its size. Bluntly, if $250 is too much, then you are going to have to be more explicit about your budget and requirements to get any real help.

So talk about what you are looking for.

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I just picked up a used Creality LDO-006 resin printer for $100. from offer-up. Cheap printers are out there if you search for them and have patients. WHY I bought it? I just don’t know…

Hmm… I you want a 3D printer project: buy or get a 3D printer someone else is discarding 'cause they upgraded. If you want to actually 3D print, get a Bambu A1 mini and enjoy the printing. If that’s too expensive: how are you going to pay for filament???

You should start by asking yourself what use you are going to give it, occasional use or more continuous use. Then you must decide what type of impression you want to make and for what purpose. Then you can decide the size and features you need based on what you want to do with the printer and finally find the best price for the printer that meets what you require.
You can also do it without much discretion, as if the wind were carrying you with a hot air balloon that you don’t know where it will end up, you will have to limit yourself to being an observer and you will not be able to enjoy the pleasure of control.