Nominate G+ maker communities

Yeah the FastLed community is invaluable

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ā€¦and amazingly free of spam looking at my test imports so far. When I saw that it had some of the most posts of any community I tried to import so far, I was worried about buried spam, but after processing 2000 of the roughly 6500 posts, less than 1% of posts and less than 2% of comments were by already-identified spammers. Thatā€™s amazing work. I identified only two more spammers while scrolling through the community for a while. This is amazingly clean!


Yeah I was going to say that Iā€™ve rarely seen spam in the FastLED Community on G+. On the rare occasion that Iā€™ve seen any there, Iā€™ve always reported it, and Iā€™m guessing others have been proactive, as well.


Edward Morbius has a dataset of about 103K active G+ communities. If anyone wants to look through it to propose nominations, please feel free ā€” but note that Iā€™ll prioritize my attention based on apparent quality, so I value more highly nominations based on direct personal experience.

I donā€™t know if it has been suggested yet. But I would be ever so greatful if you could get the Make Your Own Ceramic 3D Printer Community. It has a ton of amazing info from industry leaders and academics. The founder of the DIY Movement
for Clay 3D Printers, Johnathan Keep, on this has activity participated and encouraged the sharing of information through this community as well. I would say the information here is of a very high quality.

Also I donā€™t know if some else suggested this or not but the FASTLED Community as well since they also have a good amount of very useful info there.

FastLED has already been archived if I remember correctly.

Yeah, FastLED import was this evening and disabled email delivery for a couple hours while it was processing. The import is complete. @Daniel_Garcia Iā€™ll mention it on the reddit community.

Ceramic printer group says they moved to wikifactory who also promised imports. I hesitate to duplicate. Is that not working?

I would say the organization of their new site isnā€™t that great. Iā€™ve been checking out since they announced they would be relying on their members to transfer over their posts. I havenā€™t seen a lot of people from that community signing up to the new site and posting their content. It just makes me worried as they content their is really useful and Iā€™m sure I havenā€™t been able to capture everything I need. There is even a post in the community asking the members to transfer over their content since most people havenā€™t, which confirms my suspicion that people either donā€™t understand the process, are having the trouble or they are just lazy.

Huh. I wonder if they are doing that because they are worried about GDPR requirements and they are a European commercial entity? Iā€™m very supportive of the ideas behind GDPR ā€” personal rights over personal content were a big part of motivating me to migrate data here ā€” but case law around GDPR seems still fuzzy, and the penalties are scary big.

@The3rdIcon Can you talk to the community members to see whether theyā€™d like to set up camp here on makerforums? Meanwhile I can investigate an archive.

Update: Oh, look, @Unfold is an owner there! Can you comment on this request? It would take me 5-10 minutes of work; I have the data ready to import if you decide youā€™d like it here.

Hi mcdanlj - I am a scientist and created the Biocultural diversity community on Google+. It is now the largest specialized science community with 26000 members. This is used by various non for profit foundations in ethnoecology, ecology, sustainable development and scientific institutes to share information on the topic (scientific publications, onground management experience, job offers, crowdfunding and other funding calls). Iā€™m horrified by the loss of the community I created and spent so much time to nurture. Would you be able to port this community too?
here the link to join the community and archive it:

I hope you can save my day.
Thanks in advance.
JB, research scientist at INRA, France

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@Jean-Baptiste_Pichan, Thatā€™s probably beyond the scope of this particular site, but let me provide information to try to help.

First, you need to archive your data. You have two choices here, not exclusive:

  • As the owner of your community, you can do a Google Takeout of the community, which is now supposed to contain actually useful data. I havenā€™t checked recently, but if they give you the opportunity to choose your format, I strongly recommend doing two takeouts; one JSON and one HTML; the former is better for data processing; the latter useful for a static archive of the way things look now.
  • The Friends+Me Google+ Exporter costs $20 and is the tool I have used to do these ports. It does not take substantial expertise to run. It is also able to export to WordPress and Blogger directly.

Next, Discourse is open source and developed by an amazing community. I would suggest that it would not take a lot of resources for INRA to host a discourse instance. You could probably get by with a 1 or 2 CPU virtual machine with 2-4GB of RAM and a few dozen GB of disk space. Talk to your local IT staff. I would expect any of them with administrative and/or web skills would be able to use the importer I wrote. If they have questions, that thread would be the place to ask.

So while I donā€™t know that I can save your day, I hope this helps you save your own day! :slight_smile:


Thanks Michael - much appreciated - JB


@mcdanlj @The3rdIcon

There seem to be some misconception floating around here.

Weā€™re not asking users to migrate their own data at all. All the content of the G+ community (including all accounts) has been migrated to Wikifactory. You can see the entire forum live here:

We only ask members of G+ to claim the G+ accounts that have been imported into Wikifactory. So they need to login to Wikifactory using their Google account (Social Signin) and then their imported account & content is associated with them. This is the only way to verify that the content really belongs to them. As such everyone who claimed their account & content can now edit & delete their old posts just as if they were still on G+. We wanted to have everything not just backed up but properly migrated & associated with personal accounts.

Any and all unclaimed posts are there to view & respond to just like you would expect.

GDPR was discussed but and might have some impact on the current implementation but it felt rather like the most elegant/secure way to migrate accounts & content.

Yes, Iā€™m trying my best to get everyone over, migrating content is easy, moving people (and reaching them on G+) is harder. As any community owner knows, member activity is very much a long tail story. Top 5 posters on our community account for 33% of all content, top 30 posters for 66%. Our community on WF is very much alive & kicking and we currently have most active members over accounting for the bulk of the content but I would love to get as many people from the long tail over too.

We choose for Wikifactory for the long term, their forum features are very new (basically inspired by our conversation with them) and still a little rough around the edges compared to Discourse or other long time platforms. But we believe in the future road path and the capability to host open source projects like a GitHub for things. These features we deem important for our community.

Weā€™ve been rather pro-active in our move to find another platform, settling on our choice before Makerforums came into view. I had a discussion over on G+ with the instigators of Makerforum so you can read that discussion for some more of our reasoning.

As I follow multiple G+ communities that migrated to Makerforums, I look forward to participate here but for ā€˜Build your own ceramic 3d Printerā€™ we choose Wikifactory and are very happy with our relation with them.

ps. While Jonathan is one of the largest driving forces in the ceramic 3d printing community, Iā€™m to blame for ā€˜foundingā€™ this movement.

Hello slurry World!

The futureā€™s here baby! (first successfully printed ceramic vessel)

An englishman in Antwerp

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I own a Fabcreator and have talked with Bonne months ago about his plans. He has a Discourse forum running on his own site which was already there pre G+ closure:
So the G+ was already obsolete but people still used it I guess.

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@Unfold thank you very much for clearing that up! So what you are asking is exactly what I asked for Google logins to this site. :slight_smile:

Sorry to ask a side question but I need help with orientation: I build large printers and would love to print ceramic statues. So where should I join and educate myself in extruding other materials than filament?



Since I posted to Laserweb on G+ I now have two account here. Anything that can be done about that?
Iā€™m also @Unfold

@Unfold Just add your request to the queue and Iā€™ll be doing a bulk merge-and-rebake after all the imports are complete. Sorry for the inconvenience, Iā€™ll get it fixed up.

@anon57870006 I spent some time this evening looking at the DIY Flying Robots / UAVs community, and itā€™s almost all spam. What would you think about going through it and identifying users whose posts should be preserved in an import of that community? Iā€™ll bet there are about 20 people who posted useful content there that was actually about DIY UAVs, instead of a million FPV videos shot in commercial quadcopters etc.