New Monport K40 loud bang now no power.

Greetings all:

I have a new Monport K40 (Amazon). On my first engraving I heard a loud bang like someone smacking the side of the metal case. After that, no power to anything accept the light inside the power switch toggle. I checked the fuse at the plug, the tube and all wiring connections with no apparent cause. I’m thinking it’s probably the power supply, ZYE MYJG40W. It has no fan for some reason. Has anyone else had this issue? I sent support an email but you all know how that will go…
Thanks much for any ideas!

You didn’t mention there being lots of water flowing out from under the K40 after you heard the bang… Does that mean there was no coolant water flowing or the laser tube did not crack open and spill it’s contents all over the floor?

BTW, welcome and did you read the K40 Intro linked in the upper right of this webpage and/or read the FAQ over at ?

Hi Doug:

I did see and read the link. Thanks!
No, the tube isn’t broken at all.
I don’t know what caused the bank…

Thanks again!

Ok, that’s good but you do need to look really closely because the laser tube is made up of 3 compartments and the water circulates through the 2nd layer, not the center and not the outside. Since everything is dead, there’s a chance the tube didn’t break, cause a short and blow the LPS.


If you are sure everything is connected correctly then I would disconnect the computer, disconnect the controller board from the LPS and see if the LPS powers up( look at the 5V and 24V outputs of the LPS ).

I’ll try that, thank you!


I don’t know where you live, but I think that laser power supply has to be switched between 120V and 240V, and if it were configured for 120V with the red switch on the side, but hooked up to 240V, it would probably light up for a few seconds and then die with a loud bang.

I live in Ohio so on 120v. I’ve looked for that switch but can’t find one just in case. Thanks very much for the advice!


OK, if it were set to “240” or “230” it wouldn’t work well on 120V but it also the power regulators would not explode. So it’s probably somewhere else in the system.

Your post was initially held up because Monport are currently responsible for more spam here than everyone else put together so we have to moderate mentioning them. They claim to have excellent customer service; have you asked them?

I’m actually surprised. I have asked and they have been quick to respond with several emails. They are asking me to do multimeter tests on wiring. I’m not an expert on that but giving it a try. Thanks again!
