New book coming: Make: Trigonometry: Build your way from triangles to analytic geometry

I just pre-ordered this book co-authored by @Whosa_whatsis and @Joan_Horvath — a bunch of my 3D printing is math instructional objects at my wife’s request, to help her teach. I see some more printing in my future!

The models are already available for download:


Me in school, " why do I have to know this stuff?!"
Me now, " I’m glad I took math in school, now I can make some cool stuff!"

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Me in school, “what torture”
Me during a career, “That was insightful!”
Me now, just ChatGPT it. :slight_smile:

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I bought the previous two books:

and have been trying to maintain a list of such books which are useful for CNC:

I haven’t had much luck getting useful information out of the various chat tools — they only seem to work well when one is asking after a question which has been posed and answered many times previously.


Just got the email:

Estimated delivery date: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - Tuesday,
September 19, 2023


Put in my order today — it’s supposed to ship in the next 2–3 days — we’ll see. Need to finish reading the Calculus book.

Been making progress w/ Python in OpenSCAD, so hopefully this will all start to fit together.