M111 S8 Dry Run

Is M111 supported by smoothieboard? I am trying to enable “dry run” but the board isn’t responding to my commands, and I don’t see this listed in the supported gcode commands.

I had never heard of this one, it must be relatively new.
What kind of information are you trying to get from the board, Smoothie has different methods for different data.

It’s in Marlin, don’t know how prevalent or standard.

A dry run is done with M111 S8 and there are other flag bits. It’s for debugging, and one debugging capability is dry run which moves without extruding or heating, IIUC.

I really wish they’d use M-codes with higher values than this. Now this is taken by this forever, and it’s not even standardized what it does from one firmware to another. And now users can’t use this number for their custom m-codes. So annoying.

In Smoothie, you can disable the extruder with M92 E0 ( set the steps per mm of E to 0 until the next reset ), and disable the heaters with the M-codes designed for that purpose ( see temperaturecontrol module ).

Smoothie outputs debug information on the serial port ( next to the USB cable ), ensuring even when generating debug information, there is no risk to interfere with normal operation, and making sure that debug mode is as close to “normal” mode as possible ( which is very important when debugging )

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