Hi, im Trevor from a First Robotics Team in Dover NH USA gwrobotics.net im

Trevor, I am somewhat familiar with their kit but I can tell you that with any build no matter who the manufacture is, there is always going to be calibration and configuration items that need to be done.

I’ve found the the Ultimaker Wiki and forums a great resource when configuring mine however when I received mine, it was assembled so setup was minor however I have built a Prusa as well as others in addition to helping friends with other styles (Our hackerspace has over 35 printers as well as some unique one of a kind models … The largest of it’s kind in the Midwest.).

No matter which direction you end up going there is a large community for most styles and brands to help you along.

You guys are great!! Thank you so much!!

Makibox ships soon, they did post some sample prints, there is limited external tests, but the quality is pretty good. Ultimaker is the best, makibox is the cheapest.

I know a lot about the makibox , it’s great for the price, doesn’t it have a bowden extruder? I just wish it had a larger print area though.

The only thing I have against the Ultimaker besides the price is it doesn’t have a heated bed for abs.

Just wait … That’s all I can say is don’t hold that against them.

Hi Hal thank you very much for supporting us! :slight_smile: Trevor, please contact us at http://Sales.a.Ultimaker.com and refer to Sander, so we can talk it over and see if there is something we can work out so it is beneficial for the both of us. Looking forward to hear from you.

I would love to get an Ultimaker if it had a heated bed so we can print a much wider verity of materials including abs ( very important on some parts to have flexibility) if you are planning on including a heated bed any time soon I might be willing to wait due to the lead time of most other printers compared to the Ultimaker. (If you do Ultimaker would definitely be the ultimate option)

I will definitely contact you as soon as I can!

Any time Sander … when you have an Ultimate Ultimaker you’re ultimately going to love it.

Is there any easy way to add a heated bed to one?

There are instructions on the website and it’s not that hard. Do you have to use ABS?

I’m going to be using it for parts on our robot, I just think having the ability to print abs would be a good idea…

PLA is cleaner, better and can be used faster and is all bio-degradable … there is no reason for ABS … PLA is just as strong

@Hal_Gottfried_Hal900 it is technically biodegradable, but it requires a you to place it in a industrial composter. In the normal trash it won’t degrade properly.

Is it just as bendy as abs?

But Why would I get an Ultimaker when for the same price I can get a bukobot with a heated bed??

Bukobot has alot more parts, assembly could be more difficult

It looks more simple to me??

If assembly is the only reason, I think I’ll get a Bukobot, I’m on a team that builds robots… I think we can handle a few more peices