Hello! i'm quite new in this group and i've read alot,

@X-WL1 I use to do that not waiting for a while frame. That works fine for small numbers on universes but not for large ones.

@X-WL1 it’s like the dma buffer drops to fast and is locked. I use my own version of the FastLEDlibrary and never had that.
That is pretty strange

@X-WL1 try to replace FastLEDshowesp32()
By fastLED.show(); it seems to keep it’s frame rate

@Yves_BAZIN But today will you start a steel exit?

@X-WL1 steel exit ?

will the parallel output work?@Yves_BAZIN

@X-WL1 with the version of Sam by default it’s parallel output.

@Yves_BAZIN well, I’ll try this. How do I use multiple versions of FastLED?

You also need to replace this
In you declaration every variable linked to millis() like lastupdate … need to be of type uint32_t not int
Because after a while it will not work properly.
Have you tried with fastled.show() instead of fastledshowesp32();

@Yves_BAZIN Thank you for your comment! Will be able to check only tomorrow! Thank you)

@Yves_BAZIN Replacement for fastled.show () gave the result. 20 minutes without mistakes. However, there were still periodic blinking of one of the outputs. I’ll try to use your FastLED branch. How can I store multiple branches on my computer at the same time?

@X-WL1 let me guess the blinking is linked to the pin 3 :wink:
You cannot have two branches at the same time.
To setup my branch it’s a bit more complex than sam’s one and as u use WiFi you would need a ‘dead’ pixel otherwise the first pixel of each row will blink.
If you want to try my branch I can do the programming setup.

@Yves_BAZIN Do you think this is connected with the answer to the series? now wait and try to change the way out. thanks) whil try on the current library.

@X-WL1 my Russian is a bit rusty lol

@Yves_BAZIN sorry, lol:)

@X-WL1 the pin 3 is linked to serial communication like pin 1. So maybe that is why you could have artifacts on that pin.

@Yves_BAZIN change pin gave nothing. here is the problem:
missing/deleted image from Google+

TO which pin is the ‘default’ strip linked

@X-WL1 have you plugged all the gnd together at the end of the strips ?

@Yves_BAZIN blinked strip - 15 pin, 2.
gnd connected.