Hello! I am working on a project with 2560 pixels running on Artnet over

@Stef_Weicks yes indeed :slight_smile:
did it work with Samsā€™s version ?
did at least the led turn red ?

yes ! at the moment i did the DemoReelESP32 which is working perfect with my strip.

no there was nothing red and no blinking at all.

@Stef_Weicks then in my code change the FastLed.add to
FastLED.addLeds<WS2811,2,GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS)

and instead of FastLed.show()

@Yves_BAZIN AAAH ā€¦ now it works!? it works with the Neopixel as well! It doesnĀ“t like it if i gave a static IP to my controller ā€¦

to sum up

  1. all the 80*32 pixels are working
  2. the arnet code is working too
    is that true ?
    if yes we could go to the next step and parallel output if you want 'cause now you have a refresh rate of 13fps and we could get to 65fps

at the moment i am doing in jinx a setup for all 8032 pixel just a moment ā€¦ but 3216 worked fine till now .
yes i did it over artnet! ok ā€¦ please the more fps the better !!! :slight_smile:

@Stef_Weicks artnetparalleloutput.ino Ā· GitHub
here is the implementation for you panel
you need to use 5 pins (2,4,5,12,13)
#define PIN1 2
#define PIN2 4
#define PIN3 5
#define PIN4 12
#define PIN5 13
plug each pins every two panels
pin 2 to the panel 1
pin 4 to the panel 3
pin 5 to the panel 5
pin 12 to the panel 7
pin 13 to the panel 9

panel 1 ,2 ā€¦ 10 are the same order as the one you plug them right now

awesome! iĀ“ll try it as fast as I can!

@Stef_Weicks i would try first the non parallel output all the panel linked to the same pin and then the parallel output.
let me know it it works or if can be of any help.

ok the animation is grate!!! and really fast! there is only one issue ā€¦ on the last panel (universe 15) i see 10 bright lighting leds!
missing/deleted image from Google+

@Stef_Weicks itā€™s like the last universe is not being pushed or is pushing white (you need 16 universes from 0 to 15=> 15*170 +10) have you checked your mapping on Jinx ?
try this

and let me know what you see in the serial output
just launch it and press the reset button of the esp so you can see the message

@Stef_Weicks aslo in the file Arnet.cpp in 'arduino/library/arnet/
line 152 you have
before that line add
Serial.printf(ā€œUniverse:%d length:%d\nā€,incomingUniverse,dmxDataLength);

hm ā€¦ am I such a fool?
i canĀ“t find the failure??

C:\Users\Studiolaptop\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Artnet/Artnet.h:169:14: error: ā€˜uint16_t Artnet::nbNeededUniversesā€™ is private

 uint16_t nbNeededUniverses;


sketch_aug07b:107: error: within this context

Serial.printf(ā€œnb Universes needed:%d\nā€,artnet.nbNeededUniverses);

@Stef_Weicks itā€™s my fault sorry :slight_smile:
this is a private property of my class so you canā€™t use it outside it !! i am the stupid one. delete that line and do the change in the artnet.cpp


WiFi connected.
IP address:
Starting Artnet nbNeededUniverses:16
Universe:9 length:510
Universe:10 length:510
Universe:11 length:510
Universe:12 length:510
Universe:13 length:512
Universe:14 length:512
Universe:15 length:510
Universe:16 length:510
Universe:0 length:510
Universe:1 length:510
Universe:2 length:510
Universe:3 length:510
Universe:4 length:510
Universe:5 length:510
Universe:6 length:510
Universe:7 length:510
Universe:8 length:510
Universe:9 length:510
Universe:10 length:510
Universe:11 length:510
Universe:12 length:510
Universe:13 length:512
Universe:14 length:512
Universe:15 length:510
Universe:16 length:510

@Stef_Weicks how come you have 17 universes set up in jinx
nomally you should see from
Universe: 0 length: 510 (170*3)

Universes: 14 length:510
Universe:15 length:30 (10*3)
and no universe 16 :slight_smile:
the size of universes 13 and 14 is strange but no bid deal
my program in order to avoid memory issues do no write if the length is too big. hence your last universe 15 is 510 instead of 30
do this change
it will work but something is odd with your mapping Ithink

@Stef_Weicks somewhere you have a universe 0 with a subnet 1

and not 510 sry

jinx is counting universes from 0ā€¦ the ID of it is 1

i tried it with artnet.begin(NUM_LEDS+500,UNIVERSE_SIZE);
-> display is black

missing/deleted image from Google+

@Stef_Weicks you see the address is Subnet 0 -Universe 15 with ID 16 which is normal. what is received is subnet 0 and universe 15
Donā€™t you have a subnet 1 universe 0 defined somewhere ?
Are the 10 white wrong pixels gone ?