Hello! I am working on a project with 2560 pixels running on Artnet over

one moment i am uploading

ok that works !

@Stef_Weicks ok now the Blynk stuff
couple of questions as I do not know blynk
normally you should be able to se it without wifi right (it’s using bluetooth in that case right ?

i have to say … i am also not a profession in blynk … but its easy to understand… http://docs.blynk.cc/
at the left side are the commands described.

as far as I know blynk can not be connected to BLE and Wifi at the same time … i trid this recently. so if i wannt wifi … i have to close ble … and start wifi with blynk and vice versa.
if its possible i will do bluetooth because wifi is not always on … but i think this would be very complicated to this project which is for me not easy at all :smiley:

@Stef_Weicks indeed busy look at the doc also. So do you want blink via ble or WiFi ? I would suggest BLE;) because even if you don’t have WiFi you can always play with your board

yes if its possible… but if the artnetwifi is running there is no possibility to configure something … because wifi is running … and if blynk will connect it didnt work (for me) but i donnt know maybe you have a solution for this?!

@Stef_Weicks I need to try this stuff on my own to see how to proceed with it. So i will install blynk and try some stuff before I can give you an answer

alright !! … blynk is a super software… but if you want to do more with this … you have to pay… since recently it is also possible with ble… what i think is a very cool stuff.

i also like cayenne which is free as far as i have seen… but i think till now its not able to do something with bluetooth…

i took some time to learn xcode … for writing a own app … but its so complicated because there are so much differences between the updates … and at the end nothing fits anymore :<(

@Stef_Weicks I am also an iPhone delevopper and I have done couple of stuff with Bluetooth and esp32

oh … ok! so it would be much easier for you !

@Stef_Weicks I learned on the fly too :wink:

The leds are running some time now … on SD mode … and Artnetwifi. What I’ve noticed, the displays flash briefly from time to time. i donn´t think its not because of my setup … could it be because of something in the loop or the new artnet modifications?

@Stef_Weicks is this when reading SD or artnet WiFi

on booth
this video is SDcard

on artnetwifi its much worser i think

but i must say iam doing the wifi over my iphone… on my artnetrouter its better because i can do special settings to the wifi

@Stef_Weicks in the

Replace the first fastled.show by
And the second one by

Hey Guys,
I’ve been trying to follow your conversation but I got kinda lost in the code modifications.
I am looking to drive 60 WS2812b Pixels by an ESP32 each (5 strips with 60 pixels, driven by a single ESP32 each). The plan is to have a “stretched out” matrix and use jinx/madmapper to send out artnet packets.

Would you be so kind to supply me with the code that works on the ESP32, because my current version, which is basically the ArtnetFASTLED example, is kinda laggy and freezes after a short while.
It looks like every code optimization on the web is based on the 8266 so it’d be great to have a better running code for the 32.

Thanks for your work here, cheers

Hi @Stef_Weicks , im trying to upload the code same what you are using BUT I cant connect the ESP32 to Wifi. I tried to check the artnetexample.ino BUT there is no wifi(username, password) details in the code.

How did you manage to connect the ESP32 to wifi without those username/password details in the code?

I tested this code and it worked perfectly in 4 universes in an esp8266 output, however when you add another universe in the same saisa, it keeps blinking the first led without stopping, any tips?

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