Does anyone have plans on where you will move this group once G+ shuts

Does anyone have plans on where you will move this group once G+ shuts down? Or is there another group that anyone belongs to?

@Nedman I just get a blank screen at everythinglaser. Update. All my browsers see the site as an ad???

Nothing official, I have a site it has no advertisements or tracking.

That is the one that my ad blocker blocks.

@Nedman just checked in everything is working fine for me. Even checked using my cell phone and cell service.

You need to white list it. Unfortunately due to spam you have to make sure things are tight!

There are absolutely no ads or trackers there.

Looking into the problem. Seeing if maybe a setting or two might be incorrect.

Yeah I joined Halfnormal’s site. Going to start moving some of my old posts to the site and double post new stuff here and there. We need to start encouraging people to start migrating there to build the base

I set up a mewe group

@Jerry_Hartmann what is the name of your mewe group?

@HalfNormal I’ll join it later today.

I’m also on the FB K40 laser group, but I know FB gives some people here the willies. And for good reason.

@SirGeekALot I am not afraid of FB but the amount of useless content is overwhelming :(.
We can start an exclusive FB group
[G+ Laser Engraving]
…I did that for a wood turning group I was on.
No offense to anyone but I don’t care for the forum motif and its lack of integration with other apps, my desktop and my mobile devices. Going back to download then upload to alternate locations drives me nuts.

@donkjr Give me some examples of what you are looking for. The newer forum has a lot of features and flexibility.

What I like about our current group here is that it’s dedicated to the K40 users. Some of the other FB groups for all lasers can be down right snobbish about k40s. I also like the high technical level here and also the ability to cross reference to other maker groups. It may be that a dedicated k40 Facebook group gives us the most similar aspect. What helps us on G+ is that its a low usage platform so we tend to collect dedicated individuals without a lot of junk users. Of course this is also the reason we are losing G+.

That being said, the advantages of a traditional forum site is that it’s much easier to organize information.

The real problem with group communities is you are at the mercy of the company that has created it. I looked into some group software but they’re all pretty complicated and again at the mercy of vendors. The open-source ones we’re okay but still a very steep learning curve.

@SirGeekALot k40 lasercutting

@HalfNormal You’re still at the mercy of whoever is hosting.