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Hi @artesanowallets! This forum is now (and for the foreseeable future) available entirely for free and without any advertisement. This means that there is no source of funds to pay for automatic machine translation. The common language on this forum is English, even though it is not the first language for many forum participants.

Please feel free to use machine translation like Google translate, Bing translate, or DeepL translator in order to post here in English, as well as to read responses.

Hola Mikael,
¿Se ha planteado este foro que la familia de la cultura maker es multicultural? La multiculturalidad entraña el respeto por la cultura del otro a demás de la propia. Yo personalmente encuentro una falta de respeto que un fin global y multicultural como es la filosofía maker quiera determinar el idioma que utilizo.
Entiendo las dificultades logísticas que le supone a los administradores de este foro la traducción de diversos idiomas, pero como bien dices es posible utilizar traductores como los que pones de ejemplo. La pregunta seria ¿Por qué el que esta en minoría idiomática tiene que traducir sus propios textos existiendo herramientas que facilitan la comprensión para todo el mundo que quiera ser multicultural? !hazlo tu mismo!.
Sí este foro quiere dar servicio global y mundial a la causa de la cultura maker debe plantearse de manera mas seria y profunda, lo que significa la multiculturalidad.

Hello Michael,
Has this forum considered that the maker culture family is multicultural? Multiculturalism entails respect for the other’s culture in addition to one’s own. I personally find it disrespectful that a global and multicultural goal such as the maker philosophy wants to determine the language I use.
I understand the logistical difficulties that translating different languages entails for the administrators of this forum, but as you say, it is possible to use translators like the ones you give as an example. The serious question: Why does someone in a language minority have to translate their own texts when there are tools that facilitate understanding for everyone who wants to be multicultural? !do it yourself!.
If this forum wants to provide a global and worldwide service to the cause of the maker culture, it must consider what multiculturalism means in a more serious and profound way.

Maybe I didn’t understand you … I don’t think the goal is to be multicultural as much as accepting that many of us speak a different language and yet we need to communicate with each other.

English has been the domineering technical language, in the past and will continue to be. Even airline pilots need to know English as well as their flight controllers at different airports. You may have a question that is answered by someone speaking German… The idea is to be able to communicate technical information.

If you’re suggesting that I translate your question ? I see many questions that I can’t answer and skip them, I won’t translate hunting for things to answer… but I will try to help if you’re willing to help me help you.

I don’t think it was ever meant to irritate you, just an informational about how the board works…

I can’t get them to get a good search engine that uses regular-expressions, let alone some kind of language translation … a probable complete re-write…

Good luck and take care


Hola Jkwilborn,
El ingles es la lengua predominante en las relaciones internacionales desde la segunda guerra mundial, esto es así no solamente debido al hecho de haber ganado la guerra si no al hecho que en el siglo pasado era imposible tener tecnología para traducir simultáneamente de manera masiva, creo recordar que cuando crearon las naciones unidas uno de los logros fue tener un parlamento con traducción simultanea a todos los idiomas, pero esto era inalcanzable para la gente corriente. Hoy en día existe suficiente tecnología para hacer traducciones masivas en las relaciones internacionales y multiculturales.

Hello Jkwilborn,
English has been the predominant language in international relations since the Second World War, this is so not only due to the fact that the war was won, but also due to the fact that in the last century it was impossible to have technology to translate simultaneously in a massive way, I think remember that when they created the united nations one of the achievements was to have a parliament with simultaneous translation into all languages, but this was unattainable for ordinary people. Today there is enough technology to do mass translations in international and multicultural relations.

@artesanowallets Our goal is to provide a resource at zero cost. A few of us actually do spend some of our own money to help provide this service. And we have not asked others to pitch in, nor have we run advertisements on this site to help pay the bills.

Discourse has the ability to use translation services, but the only mechanism for this is to translate the whole forum — including submitting everything in the forum for language classification and there’s no ability to do this only on a specific request for a particular post. Translation services sometimes have a “free tier” that allows zero-cost translation of a small amount of data, but translating this whole site would be prohibitively expensive.

I do hope that the work that Mozilla is doing on building an open source translation mechanism for Firefox might someday turn into an open source language translation service that could be used withing Discourse, and if it works well enough, I’d be delighted to enable it here.

Asking each reader to manually translate separately instead of translating once when posting is saying that you value others’ time as many times less valuable than your own.

Many of us came here from Google+, which eventually added translation as a capability, and I at least was very sorry to lose that when Google killed Google+ — it would be my preference to have that capability.

But in the meantime, until such time as automated translation is available, the site founders (I’m not a founder, I stepped in after the site was founded to help run it) chose English as the common language for the forum.

If you would like to provide the funds for us to connect to a translation service, please be aware that an uncompressed database dump of the contents of this site was 2164352410 bytes as of the most recent backup a few hours ago, and that’s probably similar to the amount of data that would need to be queued for translation up front. Regardless of whether you are offering to pay or expecting others to pay, check out the cost to process 2GB of text as the initial cost, not counting ongoing translation of additional posts.

Please let me know if you are offering to provide the necessary financial resources to make your vision a reality here.

Hola Michael,
No dudo de los esfuerzos de los fundadores y gestores del foro para que todo funcione correctamente, eso es evidente. Sencillamente intento enriquecer una posición que como dices, esta limitada por las circunstancias y no por el deseo.
Estaré encantado sí los gestores y fundadores del foro, cambiaran las políticas del sistema de financiación de este, ya sea a través de cuotas o bien publicidad en benefició de la realidad latente, el hecho que la familia maker es internacional y multicultural.
Saludos amistosos,

Hello Michael,
I do not doubt the efforts of the founders and managers of the forum so that everything works correctly, that is evident. I simply try to enrich a position that, as you say, is limited by circumstances and not by desire.
I will be delighted if the managers and founders of the forum change the policies of its financing system, whether through fees or advertising, to benefit from the latent reality, the fact that the maker family is international and multicultural.
Friendly greetings,