Black Friday Deals

I thought I would start a topic considering Christmas deals are going to be coming our way.


One of my favorites. These solved a long-term hardware storage problem.

Wierd cannot upload a .JPG

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I used these for tools for a while:

and they were okay, but I’ve since repurposed them for Lego brick storage, and have been buying:

for hardware and am trying actual drawers for the tools for the nonce, but will eventually get around to kitting out another custom-fitted solution.

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@mcdanlj I get this when trying to upload a certain .jpg

Now it works … no idea why?


I saw somewhere on the interwebs where someone put drawer slides on the sides of the boxes. I like Don’s solution better.

I don’t know why that happened, nor why it worked later. I don’t see an error logged in the server logs. I can only assume some sort of transient network problem. If this becomes a persistent problem, let me know.

The URL for that case is

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Don, what else is that cart used for? The top of it looks like it has a 2nd purpose.

The top tray pulls out so that you have someplace to put an open container when getting hardware.


Cool. So the top surface isn’t really a work surface but is there just to keep the structure of the storage stand. Makes sense and looks great!

When it is rolled out from under that shelf I can put a container on the top and one on the pullout shelf.