Bambu X1 suddenly not printing reliably

I printed a simple filament clip to see if it was what I was looking for. It printed great so time to make more. The files from Printables included a 3mf file of multiple clips. That was nice of the designer to include. Open the file and start to print. WTF! What a mess! Ok, take a look at the settings. Still getting used to the layout of controls but seems ok. Try again. Nope! Filament problem? Change filament and try again. Nope! Arrgh! Look again at the settings. AMS is showing but I do not have it attached. Settings for my filament are not what I normally use. I did save other prints so let me load them and see what happens. Well look at that! My setting are back! I had not really paid attention to information contained in the 3mf file but now I realize that it is not a good idea to use another persons files unless they have an identical setup and yes you can unzip a 3mf file and just extract the gcode only.

Live and learn!


correct, the benefit and curse of the 3MF file is it can store not only the 3D model information but also slicer settings.

Great for your own stuff but when pulling in someone else’s 3MF, there should be an option to not update your current slicer settings.

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There definitely is in PrusaSlicer — is that one of the things Bambu “simplified” when making their own slicer?

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