Are sales allowed?

I have a K40 that I had big dreams for and took time to make lots of mods and upgrades to, but have never done anything with it. It’s taking up space and it’s time to let it go and make room for something else.

Not sure if sales are allowed, but happy to provide more info if they are.

We have generally not had sales directly on the site. Most forums I’ve seen that allow sales on the forum do so only in a separate category specifically for that. Many only allow this for paying members—a category we don’t even have here at this point. Our official policy from our FAQ is:

Disclose Commercial Interest

This is a community forum. Community contributors may post content in which they have a financial or other business interest, if they clearly disclose their interest, and if the substantial majority of what they post is not promotion.

  • Affiliate links and advertising are examples of commercial activity, and if links you post benefit you, you must disclose that benefit.
  • For the majority of your posts to be community contributions, your first posts must be community contributions. If your first posts are links to products for sale, the moderators will presume that you are spamming or astroturfing. Spamming and astroturfing are grounds for permanent suspension of all site privileges.

Since your first posts were non-commercial, saying that you are selling it and linking to selling it off-site would make sense to me.