Yo MGM, I’m really happy for you, Imma gonna let you finish,

Yo MGM, I’m really happy for you, Imma gonna let you finish, but my PETG lion is the best lion of all time, the best lion of all time!

Printed by Trisha (my Tria Delta). Yellow eSun PETG, printed at 75mm/s.

I thought the exact syntax was “Imma let you finish”. Please be accurate when mocking someone.

@raykholo I wasn’t trying to mock anyone really. I’m sorry if it came out that way.

Oh, I thought it was a Kanye reference. Was just messing with you regardless.

@raykholo Oh no, it was definitely a Kanye reference, LOL.

Doesn’t take much to make it seem like someone is mocking him. Just referencing anything he says, make the statement be “out there”.

@Alex_Skoruppa I’m really liking PETG! Yeah, my prints are starting to look almost as good as yours! :smiley:

Your Lion is drooling. Get that boy a wetnap :slight_smile:

On a serious note… Awesome print. I hereby relinquish my title of the 3d printer whisperer to you. Now you can answer my questions when I run into problems :slight_smile:

@Eclsnowman Nice try… I’m still gonna bother you with questions… LOL

@Alex_Lee nice, and on a Delta too, what do you think of it vs Cartesian printers?

@Tony_Gomes Deltas are a pain to get the geometry right, but once you’re over that hurdle, they absolutely awesome to print with. In quality and speed!

@Alex_Lee ​, awesome PETG lion print!
What slicer did you use?
Inner & outer perimeter speed?
Head temp?
Thank you : )

@Ivan_Hoe Thanks! I should have shared that information too, sorry.

This is using Simplify3D.

Print speeds at:

Infill: 75 mm/s
Perimeters: 40%

and 255C Nozzle and 70C Heated bed