Yellow there! Anthony Webb  Almost ready to ship your 12"x12" Spartan kit! Thank you

Yellow there!

@Anthony_Webb Almost ready to ship your 12"x12" Spartan kit!

Thank you @Marc_McDonald for sharing your yellow Spartan, seems that we agree that it was a great choice in color!

We’re so pumped to welcome the bumble bee to our hive!


Is the yellow just paint or a powder coat?

@Alex_Krause I believe they are powder coated

It has been such a joy watch the Padawan @Alex_Lee become this great Jedi Master.

Let the force continue to flow through you

@Alex_Krause they are powder coated. Much easier than to paint in my opinion. :slight_smile:

@Marvin_Stuart hopefully there’s more and more to learn still. I’m still having a blast!

What is the price for the 12x12 kit? It’s looking real tempting.

@CkTBrD I’m still working out the pricing for a full kit, but at the moment I’m running low in parts, but I can get a you a starter kit with what you see in the picture and the OpenBuilds parts. Would that work for you?

What actually comes with the starter kit? If your low on the electronics that’s not a problem, I wouldn’t mind having a kit that’s shown in the pics you provided along with the necessary hardware to assemble it. The last thing I want to do is source hardware to assemble it, just takes up to much time.

I didn’t see in any previous post a github repository for the Talos. Is there one? I might have missed it. Is there any assembly docs? If not no worries doesn’t look that hard to have kids assemble it.

@CkTBrD Here’s the github page for the Talos, I’m working on some exploded views that should help get people started with the build also.

The starter kit comes with:

- Powder coated plates (currently yellow, red, black, white, or non-coated) 
- Screws and t-nuts.
- OpenBuilds wheels and idlers 

Basically everything to get the frame built.