Wow, I can't believe I didn't find this group sooner! I just recently discovered

Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t find this group sooner! I just recently discovered Mr. Noree’s RC car concept and I am super excited to try it out on my own!

I’ve also noticed a lot of skilled people here with designs/ ideas of their own and I would just like to request some help on a project.
This is the Synergy aircraft. You may or may not have heard of it. It’s a small five person personal aircraft with a special box wing design to aid in stability and efficiency. I would love to be able to model and print a working scale model of this aircraft! But I’m under skilled and not knowledgeable enough to do it by myself. I have some skill in inventor and 3d Printing and I found this model in a quick google search:

All I ask is for someone willing to discuss ideas and help me work out issues with such a project! It would be greatly appreciated!

Very nice looking craft. I could do it, but have too many projects on my plate. Very interesting aircraft though. Wish you the best on the project.

Thanks. I’d prefer to do the project mainly on my own, with some “hand holding” and advice on the way.

Hey Trevor. Start developing and post on the Development page. I’ll chat with you, and I know plenty of others will too.

The Synergy is a cool plane design. I’ve watched most of their youtube videos.

@Andre_Roy Yes it is! And I like your plane design Sir! I’ll most likely borrow the way you designed the wings in my model. :slight_smile:

Maybe Synergy would also help you. If they are a seed company, it is always good publicity to have more of their planes flying and showing them off to get the word out about them… just a thought.