Wouldn't it be nice to work on entire sets of leds at once?

Daniel ,
until a leds array is supported on the new structure , could be a good solution , to make the CRGBArray a virtual leds array instead of the physical ? this way we could take advantage of the new functionallity , and just add a special Draw function right before the fasted show statement , is it reasonable ? …

I’m not sure I’m following what you’re trying to describe here.

As it will take you some time to get it working with the new functionality . Why not to use the new functions targeting a vector that is not the physical leds and after that just remap that vector to the physical led .

In my case it would let me work with multiple strips at the same time as a matrix . And at the same time use , your newly created crgbvectors.
Makes sense ?

“Get it working” - get what working, exactly?

And what new functions are you referring to? There’s no new functions yet - just a new class (and the functions on that class).

There’s nothing wrong with the class, it works great https://youtu.be/xlbKfs-zDnE 
No pallettes just sets and mirroring.

Colours are “switched” using a case statement.

Daniel, i have tested the new functionality with an array of leds
this is leds [stripnum][LedsNum] . and there are problems there , i understood from your first post that this was confirmed as you have not tested or intended to do so as a first attempt .

Stuart , in my case the leds are not on the same strip, are dividid into three strips , leds[1] , leds[2] , and leds[3]
I don’t think that is your case , it seams that its all in the same strip , this is all leds in series from 0 to Numleds .

Ok – and your description of how to work around that was not being clear at all - maybe try showing using code?

ok, i will ,
but the concept is simple to describe
made a CRGBAray DummyLeds[NumLeds3]
3> DummyLeds;

but that is not the array mapped into the fasted definition

FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN>(leds[0], NUM_LEDS0);
FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN>(leds[1], NUM_LEDS1);
FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN>(leds[2], NUM_LEDS2);
instead as physical use leds[0] , leds[1] ,and leds [2] (

then x----------------->x----------------------->x< -----------------------x DummyLeds
I I I mapTo
Leds[0] Leds[1] Leds[2]

this way everything is applied to DummyLeds , but before Calling FastLed.Show ()
we would just remap from one array to the other, taking advantage of all available on CRGB_Array , even the ability the map inverted segment ( as it is in my case need) …

Hi, I’m struggling to mirror leds from one array to another, these all have the same effect, they copy the leds but do not mirror them.

ledsR(0,NUM_LEDS-1) = leds(NUM_LEDS-1,0)
ledsR(0,NUM_LEDS-1) = leds(0,NUM_LEDS-1);
ledsR(NUM_LEDS-1,0) = leds(NUM_LEDS-1,0);
ledsR(NUM_LEDS-1,0) = leds(0,NUM_LEDS-1);

I’m using FastLED 3.1.1 and the arduino IDE 1.6.7 on a nano.

It’s very strange, even when I use a good old fashioned for next loop, mirroring doesn’t work when the leds are held in a CRGBArray… The exact same loop works fine with a normal led array…

(I’m on a plane right now so responses will be slow) - it’d be helpful if you posted full programs you’re trying to run (http://gist.github.com or pastebin, please, g+ messes with code) - so I can take a look at what you’re doing.

Also - I’ve been slowly fixing various bugs in this area of the code - make sure you pull the latest master.

Thanks @Daniel_Garcia ,

I’m just using your Twinklefox animation. Its running on two 30 LED rings of WS2812Bs.

Here’s the full sketch https://gist.github.com/vwvanmanjs/85c65f111d356859ea10

The only amendments to your sketch is the addition of another array and the code to mirror one array to the other (lines 208 to 211).

The ‘for next’ loop works fine in other sketches using the older CRGB declaration.

@Daniel_Garcia I’m using Particle’s Photon with a NeoPixel ring and desperately need this subset ability (TY for creating!). I’m not sure how to load this since they have libraries already available on their environment and it sounds like you haven’t made it quite official yet.

Unfortunately the particle system is a pain in the ass for library maintainers and has some limitations that run smack into recent library changes, because of the annoyance in bringing the library over and updating it I’m going to wait until a currently ongoing overhaul of the internals are finished.

OK, understood.–TY @Daniel_Garcia

Thank you Daniel for what you do!

This is what I am looking for my project TY. I am running into an issue though with the "CRGBArray<NUM_LEDS>leds; " it is returning an error when compiling; “CRGBArray does not name a type”. I am running IDE 1.6.8 and showing version 3.001.00.
What can I be doing wrong?

I think this functionality is what I’m looking for in my other post - https://plus.google.com/+RobHilken/posts/Z7oYy9E8jji - will you be able to create a set of non-consecutive leds? or several ranges ie 1-10 AND 21-30?

@Daniel_Garcia - any update on CRGBSet making it into a new formal release so it would be available on Particle? About to start a new project…

No - as I mentioned above, I’m not doing another update of the library for particle until I finish a major overhaul of the library for supporting rgbw (among other things). It’s too much of a pain in the ass to do releases for the particle, because their build tools still don’t support libraries with nested directory structures.