Would it be possible to remotely load and start a print from the web

Would it be possible to remotely load and start a print from the web server?

not from the web interface. But you can use GCodeSimulator for PC and send a gcode file to GCodePrintr and since V1.67 it can autostart the print remotely.

Being able to print to my printer in the basement from upstairs is pretty slick!

Being able to set the bed temp remotely would be great. A lot of printers take a long time to pre-heat.

sure, it is definitely a feature I would like to add. But currently it is not possible.

Since you are talking about the GCodeSim for PC, I use it ALL the time and it’s great. For the last couple of versions however, the uploading is taking a LONG time Much longer than before. I am not sure if the problem was related to the new version of GCodeSim for PC or if it’s the newer version of the Android App. Any thoughts on what to check?

Oh. Did you try with both gcode parsers (default, fast) ? I didn’t notice a slowdown but I will test it tomorrow

Ah, I will try slow parser tonight when I get home.

Mulling this over, I may make a ‘preheat’ gcode file that I will send to the printer remotely. It will be a hack, but will work for now.

Could the web interface load and print ‘local’ files that have been sent to it by the desktop app? This way I could load and print the ‘preheat’ .gcode from the web-browser.

Arduino with an ethernet shield and a relay does not have any problems on and off the printer from a website and if you install on your home computer TeamViewer, we can make the laminate from Mobile or Android tablet with GCodePrintr then print from any place.

@Steve_Graber I just did a test with various versions and options and do not see a slowdown when sending gcodes using GCodeSimulator for PC. Did you try the default parser meanwhile ?

@Mathias_Dietz I went back to trying the default parser last night and it loaded very quickly across the network within a few minutes. Same file that I tried to send early that same morning on the “fast” parser when I came home in the afternoon was STILL trying to load. So default parser work fine.

@Steve_Graber ok. Can you send me the file ? I guess the parsing does not work well in this case.

@Mathias_Dietz - will do tonight.