Work begins on the design for the collaboratively produced OpenRC H-1 Racer.

Work begins on the design for the collaboratively produced OpenRC H-1 Racer. Want to help? Join the project!

Email with your Fusion 360 account email address to get developer access to design files.

Are you planning a built up (framework) style wing or something molded/hotwire cut?

Molded expanding foam. Foam selection not made yet, a bit of R&D required.

Ok, thanks. I have been playing around with a fully parameterized wing designer that generates a more traditional built-up wing framework, nested parts layout for a laser cutter, and plans to build on. But if you are going a different direction, then I won’t bring it up. :slight_smile:

Sweet! It’s looking like a plane! The printer design is done and working on the BOM for a kit. Next week, I can finally start printing the model shown here.

Active members can get a discount on the Printrbot Big-E… Currently a 3’x8’x3’ printer using 1.75mm filament and a Ubis 13S hotend with a 1mm nozzle. We will be developing a pellet extruder to mount on this beast in the future.

Join the fun!


Gonna need to write some python scripts, anyone wanna learn Python scripting for Fusion 360?

What’s the minimum xyz build volume size for this plane at the desired size we have talked about?

Currently, longest length is 7’ for the fuselage.

If that doesn’t work, we could either scale down or break up mold parts.

Ok, 7’ is fine. What about width and height? Just want to purpose build for this beast… Gonna re-tool the garage for this but have limited space. I like parking the two cars in the garage too… Motorcycle project may need to go to my shop :wink: fair trade.

Currently all other big dimensions are under 2.5’

Ok. 3x8x3’ for the garage!

I spent half the day doing fusion 360 tutorials. More tomorrow!

I have been in several projects surrounding the use of PU foam for creating structural, flying RC airframes. A link to get you started:

Really helpful! Thx

Project I did with this technique as well.

@Brook_Drumm Did you see this video @Troy_Peterson made?

@Troy_Peterson , you folks ever try 3D printed molds?

I watched the video/ good stuff! So what products do you think we should start with?

@Andre_Roy Yes, we have used 3D printed molds for small foam parts. I am going to be making a video in the near future on this technique. Made some parts for a quadcopter, actually.

@Troy_Peterson what’s the biggest 3D printed mold you have seen used? I’m planning on making a huge one. I’ve actually heard some DARPA project shop in Texas was experimenting with this a couple years ago-- actual wings for an actual plane- but I assume they were hand laying carbon fiber.

At any rate, advise me on what to buy and I’ll go shopping to get some of your material.
