Woo Hoo! The plates are finally coming together thanks to Justin Herring !  Anyone

Woo Hoo! The plates are finally coming together thanks to @Justin_Herring ! Anyone want to weigh in on the powdercoated colors we should offer? So far we’ve got yellow and red.

If you did yellow with black extrusion it could look pretty cool. Let me know if you want any color schemes mocked up on the model for visual confirmation.

Yeah! I was thinking of black on black, and red on black because of one of the local schools here. Those will have to wait until we get the first 2 batches done, don’t want to overextend ourselves. :slight_smile:

Always offer basic black. Many do not like colorful devices.

@Carlton_Dodd can we put a swooshing Knight Rider LED on it?

Okay, I’d DEFINITELY buy that!

That’s awesome guys! Can’t wait to see one of these things up and moving!

My vote would be a satin black on orange. But you can’t go wrong with all black :slight_smile:

@Isaac_Arciaga All the rail for the first 2 batches is silver (aluminum), but black is coming for the next round.
@Michael_Johnson hot pink or light pink? Not sure if that’s doable, but we can try. @Alex_Lee might have to send you out a set of pink plates to switch out on your printer later. :slight_smile:

Black, red, blue, green, yellow as standard colors, then, anything else as optional colors (charge $20 more?)