With leds[i] = CHSV(HUE, SATURATION, BRIGHTNESS) how can I change only the BRIGHTNESS value,



how can I change only the BRIGHTNESS value, when operating on the leds array that is filled from a gradient palette?

In cases like these, HUE and SATURATION are unknown or, rather, generated programmatically. Is there a function to do this:

leds[i] = CHSV(as is, as is, BRIGHTNESS)


This should work:

leds[i] = ColorFromPalette (palette, index, brightness);


Thanks, so there would be no conflict using that method twice - once in a function that populates leds EVERY_N_SECONDS from a palette, and then in another function that does random brightness manipulation with it? There is no generic


way of doing it, independent of palette usage?

So you can’t do it where the LEDs are set from the palette?

With CHSV, it’s easy to adjust value/brightness:

CHSV color = CHSV(h, s, v);
hsv.v -= 1;

But once you’ve assigned an LED (leds[i] = …), it’s converted to CRGB. So you’ll need an array of CHSV:

CHSV colors[NUM_LEDS];

Then you can assign CHSV to colors without losing the HSV values, perform all the adjustment you want/need, then assign from colors to leds.

Forgot to mention: there’s no perfect way of adjusting brightness/value of CRGB without data loss, but there is a way: https://plus.google.com/112916219338292742137/posts/Rxx6RpgpSr2

“…so there would be no conflict using that method twice - once in a function that populates leds EVERY_N_SECONDS from a palette, and then in another function…”

It’s fine to do something like that. You can (re)assign values to a pixel as much/often as you like. You must call FastLED.show() to send the new data to the strip and actually see the change though.

@Jason_Coon @marmil Thank you both! The thing is with

CHSV color = CHSV(h, s, v);

I need to specify h and s also, but I can’t know what they are.

The colours are set independently for all 144 LEDs by a function that EVERY_N_MINUTES fetches a new colour from a palette, which works very well on its own.

The other function EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS, similar to the @Mark_Kriegsman example, randomly darkens/brightens LEDs with a state flag, and that also works very well on its own.

In other words, the second function needs, apart from the random LED selection stuff, to simply manipulate just the v component of certain LEDs, if you see what I mean. So in the end I have in the loop

ultraslowPalette(); - goes through a palette over an hour
fairlyFastTwinkle(); - darkens/brightens random LEDs quickly

If I were to use

leds[i] = ColorFromPalette (palette, index, brightness);

also in the fairlyFastTwinkle() function, I would interfere with the other function that with a different timing already fetches colours from the palette.

Another idea how to manipulate brightness of individual LEDs - there are HSV setter methods like

leds[i].setHSV(224, 187, 255);

so could I, with some guidance, enhance the FastLED library with a


setter method? And, while at it, a


method, too? Then one would be easily able to manipulate each element of the leds array, no matter how the 144 LEDs of a strip have just been filled.

Yeah, except setVal and setSat only work on HSV, not RGB. You should be able to use rgb2hsv_approximate (mentioned above):

CHSV color = rgb2hsv_approximate(leds[i]);
color.v -= 1;
leds[i] = color;

@Jason_Coon Cheers, but “Yeah, except setVal and setSat only work on HSV, not RGB” - that would exactly be what I want, sounds just right. So I understand you saying these methods do exist? This approximate stuff seems quite cumbersome just to change V, compared to how simple changing the H leds[i].setHue(#); is.

Maybe I just have to live with


to darken/brighten in the end.

Those methods exist, but only for CHSV, not CRGB. Your leds array is CRGB. The only way to get from CRGB to CHSV is rgb2hsv_approximate. Or you could just store the CHSV in a separate array, as noted above.

@Jason_Coon Ok, thanks. I think I understand now. Because

CRGBPalette16 activePalette = testPalette;
CRGB colour = ColorFromPalette();

one can only work with RGB methods, if one is no coding wizard with rgb2hsv_approximate and wants to keep it simple; so that means in my case, being no coding wizard, I best use


to darken/brighten leds array elements that are constantly filled by extrapolation from a palette.


did not work, while the gradient palette fills the strip; the colours change too much instead of just becoming darker or brighter.

Dimming and brightening of what’s already in the leds array is hellishly difficult ; )