With laser in one pass

With laser in one pass

Or something like this


Nice. What software You use ? I have create My desktop cnc laser with ttl for pwm command of arduino

In the other post You have the link to download the software.


@Luca_Manca yes

@Luca_Manca it’s a work in progress. Have some bugs. Tell me if you have problems to run sketches

@Luca_Manca You need install the IDE of PROCESSING (http://processing.org) to run sketches

My email is: jvsalatino@gmail.com, send me an email and I send you an .exe version with instrucctions

@Jose_Salatino Processing 2.0 allows you to export a sketch in javascript mode directly that gives you a premade index.html with all the things you need to run your sketch online included
Puedes exportarlo asi?