Why a vast majority of Aliexpress sellers try to convince you a hardware problem

Why a vast majority of Aliexpress sellers try to convince you a hardware problem is related with your own computer, no matter what? (rhetorical)

I’ve received a cheap endoscopic camera, and has clearly a factory issue. A felt moved over the lens, behind the glass protector, so the camera barely see. Sent videos, photos, macro of the felt displaced, and the answer was:

Friend, can you test with another computer? I’m no newbie bargaining with Ali Sellers, but it’s annoying :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a level 3 on Ali, with +3 on compulsive shopping and vorpal sword. They shall not pass :joy:. Anyways maybe time to switch to another dungeon.

Totally OT, but also totally recognizable and vewwy funny, my fwiend! :smiley:
I also developed a weird twitch in my right index finger… Somehow everytime I am near an email I’ve sent to them that hasn’t had a reply yet, it twicthes when I am near the ‘forward’ and ‘send’ buttons… About once a day… Just like that! Weird, isn’t it?..

Thanks for pointing out the banggood refund policy for VIP levels +Peter van der Walt I knew we were getting price breaks, but it just clicked about the refunds, I thought that they did it for everyone, did not realize I’m special :wink:

Well I’ve made an agreement after all. Now what matters. How do I to remove that glass?