While I learn more about 3d printing I have used the laser less than

While I learn more about 3d printing I have used the laser less than I normally would… it’s making me miss the show and tell laser projects! Please post your projects that you have made with laserweb this helps new users get a feel for what can be done with laserweb and the more users we have the larger donation pool to help the Dev’s get equipment or donations to keep up the outstanding work they are doing

I assume you have done a search on Thingiverse for K40 modifications? Some are good, and some are just crap. But they are all fun to print.

Oh yeah, drag chain end parts, slot covers. I have a little part drawn up to fit into the v slot and hold 1/8"acrylic, the list of cool things is endless.

I have found I use mine more and more for projects. I have made various spindle mounts, oh and lots of light holders for all machines. I haven’t had time to make any cool projects with the laser. Plan on making a stack of business cards to give out when people ask what I do in my shop.

Need more of your laser projects for inspiration!
