Which ESP32 boards are people using?

Which ESP32 boards are people using?

I have some heltec wifi LoRa kit 32 boards

Here’s my current selection (it’s much cheaper to get them on AliEpress than from me). It is like working in a candyshop though!! So much cool tech to play with :)))


And I’ve got a bunch of these on order, lookng forward to trying them out.

WeMos are out of stock of their WROVER-32 board and have been for ages :frowning: Even LilyGo have sold out of their non-SD version.

I’ve got one of these, but haven’t had time to try it out yet. ESP32, audio, accelerometer and WS2812Bs all in one board.

Which ever one is cheapest on AliExpress

Like Roger, which ever is cheapest on AliExpress

WEMOS D1 mini Pro

@Antonio_Valenti that’s not exactly ESP32… :slight_smile: it’s esp8266

I look for which pins are exposed – a lot of the pins have specific uses and restrictions, so it does make a difference.

@Sam_Guyer great point! So which ESP32 board(s) are you using the most? :slight_smile:

ordered a couple of these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Wemos-MINI-D1-ESP32-ESP-32S-WIFI-Bluetooth-ESP8266-Module-CP2104-For-Arduino/32834344071.html

@Jason_Coon I have a bunch of different models. I like the pin layout of the ESP32 dev-kit. Several companies make copycat boards. I also like the ones that have a little OLED screen attached – that’s super-useful.

lolin32 lite

I’ve ordered and received some days ago two wemos lite + two wemos pro

Dev-Kit for now

I’m currently using the Lolin32.

Thanks for all of the votes and feedback everyone!

ESP8266 - ESP-12E NodeMcu V3 module

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know, I have level shifter shields for the Feather ESP32 and the new Wemos D32 boards available, and I’m working on one for the DevKitC.
Thanks again for all of the feedback!

instant purchase!!!