What's the best tutorial to follow for converting from a Moshi board to smoothie?

What’s the best tutorial to follow for converting from a Moshi board to smoothie? After a few months I finally have the time and funds to do so, so I really want to make the jump and drop the Moshi software for laserweb.

I should also ask, is a stock smoothie board the easiest way to go? Would another board be better as a plug and play drop in?

from my early step below to 2017 solution, I would say Cohesion 3D is the most advanced with this solution :

old one : blue-box-guide [Smoothieware]

This is what I did: http://donsthings.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-k40-total-conversion.html
Cohesion was not available then. I would probably go that route today.

@StephaneBUISSON Thanks for posting that. A drop in solution like that makes my week :slight_smile:

Cohesion3D user here. Direct drop in. Follow the directions provided and unlock the potential of that machine and LaserWeb.

Thanks for the advice all, just got my Cohesion3D board in the mail, I look forward to having time this weekend to install it.