What's the BBB equivalent for this blink-an-LED terminal command from the 2012 BeagleBone?

What’s the BBB equivalent for this blink-an-LED terminal command from the 2012 BeagleBone?
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/beaglebone::usr3/brightness
echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/beaglebone::usr3/brightness
(these from http://elinux.org/images/b/b7/Beaglebone_-_Hands_on_Tutorial.pdf)

Thanks Joshua! Confirmed it in my terminal just now! :slight_smile:
Where can I find the reference to this?

I really like Jayneil Dalal’s PDF Presentation (http://elinux.org/images/b/b7/Beaglebone_-_Hands_on_Tutorial.pdf) because he uses terminal commands to manipulate the BB. As a software developer, this approach helps me grok the hardware.
That said, I LOVE the BBB out-of-box experience, and really appreciate Bonescript in its own right! It’s a real achievement… and I’m using it to set my usr3 LED back to default behavior right now!

If you’re using Angstrom, you can change the default behavior of the LEDs on boot by editing /etc/default/leds thusly:

#file format: name trigger
beaglebone:green:usr0 none
beaglebone:green:usr1 none
beaglebone:green:usr2 none
beaglebone:green:usr3 none

The example entry in the stock file is for the original beaglebone. You need to insert “green” between the colons for the black.

(I turn them all off because man, the leds on the black are intensely bright!)

Heh. According to http://circuitco.com/support/index.php?title=BeagleBoneBlack#Revision_A5B_.28Pending_Production_Version.29 they are reducing the brightness of the LEDs in the next board revision.