What is your favorite 3D printing program?

What is your favorite 3D printing program?

Do you mean slicer?

Slicer? Modeling program? Front end?

My favorite 3d printing program is Photoshop.

modelling: Fusion360 / OpenSCAD / Blender
slicing: simplify3d / cura15.x
host software: printrun (pronterface) / octoprint

I like Tinkercad.

@Matthias_Stegert Photoshop?
modeling: Fusion360/Solidworks
slicing: Simplify3D


I mean modeling…

OnShape - amazingly powerful, they recently got rid of the limit on public documents, works like solidworks.

Try Tinkercad

Onshape is also nice as long as you have an internet connection whenever you want to model.


@ThantiK Something should be added to your mention of OnShape’s recent change: The same time they removed the limit on public documents, the also took away the 5 private documents from the free plan. Perfectly reasonable deal if you’re in a situation where being open is okay, but that’s not everyone’s situation. It also highlights the problem with being dependent on cloud products: the deal can be changed at any time.

@Adam_Steinmark Sure. PS has very good 3d printing capabilities.

DesignSpark Mechanical for the ease and speed of learning and quickly prototyping. Has a few serious drawbacks (no mirroring components, no text tool, no lofts, proprietary format for solid geometry, maybe more) but for me I could do pretty much all CAD i needed. I would like though to have OnShape offline :slight_smile:

Solidworks…it’s solid

@kenneth_rooks and not cheap

True true, he didn’t ask bit process tho.