What I wanted was a slowly adjusting whole strip rainbow.

What I wanted was a slowly adjusting whole strip rainbow. There is still room for improvement but I thought I would show what I did

1 - So to begin with I wanted to light up a full strip with a single colour and then back down to black/empty, and repeat for the 3 colours (RGB): first code attempt - RGB rotations · GitHub

2 - I wanted to simplify it all. I knew that you can use the code ‘switch’ so I had a go and voila, a bit easier to see it all(code) and I could now do more colours

3 - final bit, messed around a little but realised I can now blend all the colours together by adding or subtracting the right colour. Also can adjust timings and light intensity

Hope it helps someone :slight_smile:

feel free to use the code if you find it useful