What happens when G+ shuts down? Will our community content be lost?

Ok, now the LaserWeb Community is setup on https://forum.makerforums.info/c/laserweb-cncweb. The G+ content will follow shortly.

FYI to set timing expectations for porting existing content over: when I went to create the archive it looks like Google changed Google+ slightly in a way that broke the import tool. The author is looking into the problem.

@mcdanlj Thanks. I’ve read that on you forum. Worst case I still have an archive including pictures on firebase (https://archive.laserweb.yurl.ch/).

@cprezzi I’m pretty sure that one way or another we can get it all imported. :slight_smile: When (if?) google releases meaningful takeouts for community owners, it will probably be a good idea to save one just in case it has something useful in it…

Looks like I was right! :tada: