We get a lot of repeat posts requesting help for LPS problems.

We get a lot of repeat posts requesting help for LPS problems. I judge that LPS and optical alignment are a large portion of the K40 problems once conversions are done.

I have been tinkering with ideas for troubleshooting and repair instructions to help eliminate repeat threads and providing self help.

Attached is a link to such a prototype.


See the attached Poll (my first try at polls).

(select your answer(s) below)

This is great! Thankfully I haven’t needed it (yet, knock knock)

The only problem I see initially is that some people will say that is not my control panel. You may want to add the digital one as well.

@HalfNormal yes, I need to add that and also alternate supply configurations. Quite a bit more work :frowning: that’s why I wanted to check if its valuable to the community.

Wow Don that’s fantastic! Thank you for doing so much work, I’m sure it will help a lot of people.

Very helpful indeed, cheers Don.

Great article!!