was looking and seeing that most of the gear is bought in bulk.

was looking and seeing that most of the gear is bought in bulk. That being said, does anyone have any extra stuff of the hardware as in the bolts/screws/nuts? I can pay you for that gear, I just didn’t want to buy 100pcs from Mcmaster Carr and waste lots of money. I am assuming people have some extra gear?

Hello Marc,
I am also locking for a good software to design gears… I agree with you most of the gears are bulk, or bad!
I need to make real gears for my oil-pump. I would like to print them in the strongest possible plastic. Anyone know what filament I best use also?

PLA is probably your best idea. This post was just to see if someone was kind enough and had the extra parts that (bolts/rods/screws/nuts) That I could purchase the needed amount.

I don’t know. I think I have spent $40.00 so far on bolts/screws and nuts, and that was for exact quantities. If a person was to split this order, it would be about the same price. This includes the rods as well.

Shipping was around $10.00 on this if I was to order it.

The bearings were way to expensive at McMaster-Carr.

I’d be curious if anyone else has spent around $30 to $50 for these items.

I mean I would split the cost =)

As in half of $120.42? Where would I be shipping the other half to?

If in the US, you may want to look at BoltDepot. You can buy exact quantities from them. If I remember correctly I bought the exact bolts/nuts I needed (plus some spares) and it was around $15-$16 including shipping.

Also for bearings you could try FastEddyBearings. I usually use them when buying RC car bearings. They sell individual bearings for $1 each + shipping. It was still more than $20 though as I believe there are something like 22-24 bearings in the buggy.

If you have a local hobby shop you may want to check with them for the rods. I purchased mine at my local hobby shop for $5.

I will have to check out BoltDepot and FastEddyBearings. If I can get them cheaper, I will update this link with its own tab.

Wow on BoltDepot!!! $8.20 total for all the bolts/screws and nuts.

Yeah, and their economy shipping to me (in Michigan) is $5. I’ve been ordering from them for a few years now for projects that’ I’m working on. Things come bagged and labeled nicely.

wow thanks for the update =)