Upgrade away - arduino 1.5.7/gcc 4.8.x support on AVR fixed Subject says it all

Upgrade away - arduino 1.5.7/gcc 4.8.x support on AVR fixed

Subject says it all - I just pushed FastLED 3.0.2 onto the releases page. This should take care of the issues with FastLED and arduino 1.5.7 and later (or, for linux users, any version of arduino, since it seems the linux version of arduino, at least for some distributions, was insisting on using GCC 4.8.x)

The nice this about the gcc upgrade is that you can use C++11. Plus it has LTO which I found good to reduce the size quite nicly and do some quite clever optimizations.

Thank you thank you! I’m doing stuff on the Yun and this is much appreciated.

Hmm, I’m still getting compile errors though. Arduino 1.5.8, compiling for Yun or Uno, using FastLED 3.0.2, and I get errors like:

/Users/tod/Documents/Arduino/libraries/FastLED/colorutils.h:330:9: error: ‘prog_uint32_t’ does not name a type
typedef prog_uint32_t TProgmemRGBPalette16[16];
/Users/tod/Documents/Arduino/libraries/FastLED/colorutils.h:331:9: error: ‘prog_uint32_t’ does not name a type
typedef prog_uint32_t TProgmemHSVPalette16[16];
/Users/tod/Documents/Arduino/libraries/FastLED/colorutils.h:363:26: error: ‘TProgmemHSVPalette16’ does not name a type
CHSVPalette16( const TProgmemHSVPalette16& rhs)

I’ll be checking a fix for that in today - for some reason it is building fine on my system - that said this particular error doesn’t happen for anyone on the 3.1 branch.

And 3.0.3 fixes the Yun build issue that some of you are having.

On my Due with WS2812 leds the 3.0.2 master is still not working , seems to compile ok , but program freezes at FastLED.show()
The 3.1 beta works , maybe because 3.1 does not use GCC 4.8 ?

As I mentioned in another thread here, 3.0 does not work on the due when you’re using gcc 4.8/arduino 1.5.8 - most likely because they changed something about how they’re doing things with the clock. 3.1 does work with gcc 4.8/arduino 1.5.8 because I stopped using the sys timer for timing.

(Which is also why I was specific about saying “for avr” here. )

My bad … i don’t know my avr’s from arm’s…