Trying to use this with my ramps 1.4 it says connected but nothing on

Trying to use this with my ramps 1.4 it says connected but nothing on the printer will respond to the app commands?

could you send me the console output please ? Please enable debug logging and reconnect + retry first. Thanks

its says connected even when I have it unplugged?

that is when I have it set to dummy mode. when I set it to usb-1 says not connected?

Dummy mode is just for testing. You need to choose usb-otg mode.
Please send me the console output (long press on console - send support email)

What error msg do you see when pressing the connect button ?

HI says no USB device found

I have tried all of the baud rates and they all do the same no usb found

Please read & try the faq :

ok will do thanks

Hi I have a usb female to female adapter. It all plugs in ok but do I need a otg adapter instead?

yes, you need a USB-OTG adapter. A simple Female/Female will not work.

Oh ok. that must be the problem. Thank you