TruLaser 3030 fiber 6kw - How to measure plate

Hello. I have a problem with measure rest of plate in the middle (for example) working table. On old CO2 laser it was easy and when I did the same on the new fiber it doesnt working. Im sure you understand my problem and you can help me. Thank you so much.

'Official` support seems to be here…

Alternatively a slower and more complete description of your problem, please.

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First thing - my working table is 3000x1500 and now I will try it. Imagine, I have rest of plate x 500 y 1500 in the middle working table and I want to measure the rest. I will push measuring range x1 1550 and actual sheet metal dimension X 2000 but the problem is comming now, starting measure and first and second measureing is ok but the third goging behind sheet metal dimension 2000 always. doesnt matter if I will rewrite sheet metal dimension X for example 1700.
On old CO2 laser this is always worked.
I hope you can imagine my problem, if not when I will be at work I post the video with the mistery.

I must confess that I am still struggling to understand this. Sorry.
It sounds like a fairly simple configuration problem, something in the machine or control software that needs to be zeroed or offset correctly, but that’s as far as I get.

To be honest; this is a machine that costs over 100,000 euros even when second-hand, and needs proper training to use. You need to talk to your supplier; they can take the time and talk in your native language. I’m not sure what else to advise.

I will let you know when I will be at work. It is machina for 100,000 EUR exactly and it is new one. I had training 3 days but this problem I founded when I start working. On picture is the maximum how can I explain it