Thomas; So now that we are deep into it,

So now that we are deep into it, I can quickly summarize why I prefer Google Group Interface over this Google+ Community interface

  1. A given thread is so narrow (on screen)that lines wrap constantly, making reading difficult and wearing out the scroll wheel on my mouse.
  2. When multiple threads are active, it is way too easy to miss an added comment on the thread you might not be focused on. Scrolling all over the place is a pain.

I’ll assume you understand the above description, so have to ask if I am doing something wrong or am missing some degree of configurability of the display?

I can hardly wait for Google to decide to push click ads thru this interface as well, They are doing their best to make YouTube unbearable (IMHO)

Guys… I appreciate your opinion. All I can say in response, please dont use it of you dont like it. I have already joined the G+ team members in discussions. I hope we can make it a better place to interact for everyone. In my initial post of this group, I tried to be as clear as I could. This place isnt and wasnt started to replace anything. I simply started it as an additional platform, (one that I happen to like more and more as i use it), to post information about TinyG. Sorry you guys dont like it, i hope it will someday meet with goals for a social media platform :slight_smile: T

Yep, I agree Peter. I have been bending ears where I can.

@Thomas_Shue Recall that my initial question was why add Google + Community for tinyG when a somewhat utilized Google Group for tinyG existed (!forum/devtinyg) . So I am just confirming why I think the Google Group interface is a bit more efficient way to resolve issues. Everyone is free to use the interface they prefer.
For me, I just try to lurk where help is being requested.
And I really was hoping you had figured out how to improve the interface usefulness, giving frank feedback to Google devs is for sure helpful.

Personally I like both G+ and groups, for different purposes. I like G+ for topic introductions and high level issues, and groups for in-depth discussions. The problem is that groups is “Old Style” and G+ is “new-er” (not really new, and not the best implementation of today’s social bend). In other words, in many ways the differences between G+ and Groups are age related. Groups is like a nice familiar BBS (before the internet) and G+ is more like a Facebook interface (as much as they don’t want that to be the case)