This seller may be able to make custom beds for the Eustathios! I have

This seller may be able to make custom beds for the Eustathios! I have one for my prusa, it’s awesome no talc needed for petg

Talc for PETG? Never heard about it… Would you care to elaborate? Thanks

@Michael_Memeteau maybe Tak… Like BuildTak?

Talc to reduce adhesion so the PETG doesn’t weld to the PEI, I think

I’ve never needed to do anything special other than use a lower temp. 65°C seemed to work fine.

@Ryan_Carlyle yeah sorry for being unclear I use baby powder on my pei so PETG doesn’t bond at 90c also no warp :slight_smile:

Can’t find a link to the seller. Maybe because I’m on mobile?


That’s very nice. Did you have warp at lower bed temps though?