This is outside the realm of FastLED.

This is outside the realm of FastLED. If your interested in driving ANY SPI based Pixels usnig the cheap NanoPi Neo Air boards, I have been working on a simple driver port FULL setup instructions, hookup diagram, and compilation instructions

That’s great, will the code work on other Pi boards, or is it just for this one? Thank you

That code is JUST for the NanoPi Neo Air, it MAY work on all the NanoPi boards that run the Allwinner H3 CPU. I also have a similar one for actual raspberry boards

Cool, thank you :slight_smile:

FYI - There is a FastLED Linux port that supports 4-wire LEDs such as the APA102s - (no support for 3-wire strips however)

@Michael_Burg That uses spidev… What boards has this been tested on? And what configuration is required?