This is my first post on here and I am hoping to get some assistance on this.
I was cutting out some shapes on acrylic and all the sudden the laser stopped working. No bangs, pops pew’s or otherwise…The power turns on, corel works as it should, the steppers and all components work as they should. As you can see in this video, the water pump is working correctly, the exhaust is working correctly and the green power light is on on the mother board. When I press the test switch on top, I hear what sounds like a normal sound and the test switch on the PS lights up. When I press the test switch on the PS, the test light illuminates and you hear a high pitched sound from the area but still no laser…
I have used a chirper to indicate voltage but have not tested the exact voltage. But at least I know there is something go through some of the correct places…
Also if you look at the laser tube, the tube looks normal, no cracks, no smoke damage…
Any thoughts on what could be my problem?
Try replacing your water. Use distilled of course and flush. Then get back to us…
Also, what was the water temperature when it cut out? Mine will stop producing a beam capable of even engraving at temperatures over 37 deg Celcius (and power starts dropping off at about 28 degree Celcius
Have you checked the intensity pot? What does the current meter do when you dial the pot up and press the test button?
Got the water taken care of. I spent about 30 minutes flushing the lines as best I could and then I ran all the water out of it and flush distilled water into it dumped all that water out and then did a fresh half gallon of new distilled water. Then I ran it for about 20 minutes through the tubes without any laser function or any attempt to function the laser. And no change so far
Well testing the test button and the intensity I press the test button and move the intensity all the way to the top and then all the way back down and you can hear through the power supply that the intensity was going up so it made more of a whining sound and then as a guy lower you that whining sound turn back down. So I know it’s getting juice from the power supply to the amp meter and back but it’s just not going into the laser
is the laser tube lighting up when you test it? the whining is usually an arc so i would check the HV line going to the tube, and the return to the ammeter.
Have you checked your mirrors? I’ve seen this caused by a busted mirror or a failed tension spring on the mirror heads numerous times.
Yes. Checked and cleaned all the mirrors.
No light in the tube and the ammeter does not respond to anything. But using the chirper, it is chirping next to the HV red cable just not as intensly as it is next to something like the hot black wire in the power cord…
i would then venture to say that your flyback transformer or some internal part of the power supply must have failed. happened to me once.
Im thinking the flyback as well, it’s the only thing, I haven’t been able to test effectively yet.
I think it also could be the laser tube itself but I don’t see anything on there that would indicate that it’s been blown or cracked or flooded or anything else but this is my first laser cutter as well that’s why I headed to the pros… you guys
i was in the same position as you and went psu first, and it worked out.
Do you know where i would get parts or a new psu?
whareabouts are you located? i just looked on ebay myself for a my-jg40 power supply with the same connectors(there are like 3 connector setups)
Kansas City area
ahh yea snag one off ebay would be my recommendation.
Does it need to be the exact same or can I use a psu from a better company or oem unit?
you can use another type just know that you may have to rewire accordingly.
I found the one I need, ill order it and see how it goes, ill still continue to troubleshoot just in case thats not it.