This is an awesome project! I'm just starting to print my car.

This is an awesome project! I’m just starting to print my car.

I’ve only ever printed using PLA so I thought I’d get some taulman 645 to print the gears. I’ve managed to get it to stick to the bed and printed a gear, which I’m reasonably happy with. I am getting little burnt blobs which I’m not sure how I can stop. Has anyone had any experience with nylon that can give me some pointers as to what to change to stop this?

Could there be a few bits of PLA in your hot end?
I use a different nozzle for nylon. You can also do a cold pull, where you heat up the hot end, extrude just a bit of nylon then let it cool to say 160C then pull the filament out the top. It will remove all sorts of junk.

Could well be. I didn’t clean it out before, just stuck the nylon straight in. I’ll give that a try.

In the middle of building another printer, so Hopefully soon I should be able to dedicate one to PLA and the other to nylon.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I did think it may be to hot. Going to try dropping it 5 degrees tonight.

Tried dropping 5deg, it was better, still not perfect. Just trying again dropping it to 230deg. Got the added problem of stopping it warping and finding the time to print with the kids on holiday!

Pretty hard stuff to print, but hopefully I should sort it tonight.

Nylon is a challenge to print.

Try printing on rafts (check youtube for some tutorials on printing nylon) once I started printing on rafts my parts tuned out perfect. My favorite nylon so far is Taulman Alloy 910. Perfectly suited to these types of prints.

I have also had a lot of luck using Taulman Tech-G (PETG) for some of my ‘Truggy’ parts. Its more rigid than the Alloy 910, but not as strong.