The OpenR/C F1 took home the "Best Toy Design" and I won "Top Designer"

The OpenR/C F1 took home the “Best Toy Design” and I won “Top Designer” aswell in the Pinshape awards.
Thanks to everyone who voted!

Congrats man, you definitely deserved it! I hope to be able to design parts like that one day.

Congrats!! Nice work!

Impressive work! Well deserved awards.

Great! congratulations ! Are you going to change those days something else in OpenR / C F1 , or start print it next days!

Congratulations, you earned it!

Congrats! I will be sending plenty of pics from CES of your beautiful work displayed at the Airwolf 3D booth. Our blog will also be up tonight.

Hey @Tyler_Caros if you have time check out the Micro Drone 3.0 for me :wink: Mine is waiting to ship out.

Awesome news. You deserved it.